Find elements which are present in first array and not in second in C++

Suppose we have two arrays A and B. There are few elements. We have to find those elements that are present in set A, but not in set B. If we think that situation, and consider A and B as set, then this is basically set division operation. The set difference between A and B will return those elements.


using namespace std;
void setDiffResults(int A[], int B[], int An, int Bn) {
   sort(A, A + An);
   sort(B, B + Bn);
   vector<int> res(An);
   vector<int>::iterator it;
   vector<int>::iterator it_res = set_difference(A, A + An, B , B + Bn, res.begin());
   cout << "Elements are: ";
   for(it = res.begin(); it < it_res; ++it){
      cout << *it << " ";
int main() {
   int A[] = {9, 4, 5, 3, 1, 7, 6};
   int B[] = {9, 3, 5};
   int An = 7, Bn = 3;
   setDiffResults(A, B, An, Bn);


Elements are: 1 4 6 7

Updated on: 01-Nov-2019


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