File Upload using Angular

This guide aims to show how to implement file uploading using Angular. File uploads are a crucial component for many websites, allowing users to transfer files from their devices to the server. Whether it be for storing user-generated content, sharing files with others, or downloading files from the server, file uploads play a significant role.

Steps for File Uploading with Angular

Configuring the File Upload

Before diving into the actual file upload implementation, we must first set up the necessary file upload configuration. This involves specifying the server-side script URL that will handle the upload, as well as any additional options such as allowed file types and maximum file size.

Installing Angular Libraries

To implement file uploading in Angular, we will need to install some libraries. The ng2-file-upload library provides an easy way to handle file uploads in Angular, and the @types/ng2-file-upload library adds type definitions for the ng2-file-upload module. You can install these libraries by executing the following commands in your terminal −

npm install ng2-file-upload --save
npm install @types/ng2-file-upload --save-dev

Using the File Upload Directive

Once the libraries have been installed, we can use the ng2-file-upload directive to implement file uploading in our Angular app. This directive enables us to bind a file input field to a variable in our component class and handle the file selection and upload process using methods in the component class.

Testing the Upload Functionality

With the file uploading feature in place, we can now test it by selecting a file and clicking the upload button. The file should be uploaded to the server, and any response from the server should be displayed to the user. It is critical to thoroughly test the file uploading feature to guarantee that it functions as intended and handles any errors or exceptional cases correctly.


Before you begin, please ensure that you have the following −

  • A basic understanding of Angular

  • Node.js and npm installed on your system

  • A text editor, such as Visual Studio Code

Setting up the Project

To set up a new Angular project, use the Angular CLI by following these steps −

  • Open a terminal and run the command: ng new file-upload-app to create a new Angular project.

  • Navigate to the project directory by running the command: cd file-upload-app

  • Install the packages required for file upload by running the following commands −

  • npm install ng2-file-upload --save

  • npm install @types/ng2-file-upload --save-dev

  • These packages, ng2-file-upload and @types/ng2-file-upload, provide an easy way to handle file uploads in Angular and add type definitions for the ng2-file-upload module respectively.

Implementing the File Upload Form

Open the file "src/app/app.component.html" and add the following HTML code −

<h1>File Upload</h1>
   <div class="form-group">
      <label for="file">Select a file:</label>
      <input type="file" class="form-control" id="file" (change)="onFileSelected($event)">
   <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" (click)="onUpload()">Upload</button>

This code creates a form with a file input field and a button. The (change) and (click) events are linked to the onFileSelected() and onUpload() methods, respectively. These methods will be defined in the component class.

Open the file "src/app/app.component.ts" and add the following code −

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FileUploader } from 'ng2-file-upload';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   public uploader: FileUploader = new FileUploader({});
   public selectedFile: File;
   onFileSelected(event: any) {
      this.selectedFile =[0];
   onUpload() {
      // TODO: implement file upload

In the component class, we have defined a FileUploader object and a selectedFile variable. The onFileSelected() method is called when a file is selected by the user and stores the selected file in the selectedFile variable. The onUpload() method will handle the file upload process.

Advantages of Using Angular for File Uploads

Quick Transfers

Angular's reactive programming model enables it to efficiently handle large file sizes, leading to quick uploads. This means users don't have to wait for the page to refresh after each upload, improving the overall user experience.

Wide Browser Compatibility

Angular's file upload feature is compatible with various browsers, including modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and older browsers like Internet Explorer. This allows for file uploads from any device, regardless of the browser being used.


Angular makes it easy to add user-friendly features like drag-and-drop uploads, progress bars, and error handling to your file upload process, enhancing the user experience and simplifying the process of uploading and sharing files.

Challenges of Using Angular for File Uploads

Security Concerns

A major challenge in using Angular for file uploads is ensuring the security of the uploaded files. It's essential to validate the file type and size to prevent the upload of malicious files. Additionally, using secure protocols such as HTTPS is recommended to protect the uploaded files during transmission.

File Size Limits

Depending on the server configuration, there may be limitations on the size of files that can be uploaded. It's important to handle these limitations appropriately, for example, by displaying an error message if the user tries to upload a file that's too large.

Large Data Volumes

Handling a large volume of file uploads can be challenging, as it requires managing the storage and processing of the uploaded files. In these cases, it may be necessary to increase server resources or implement load-balancing solutions to ensure the file upload feature can handle the workload.


In conclusion, uploading files is a widely needed capability for many websites, and Angular offers a convenient solution with benefits such as its reactive programming model and compatibility with various browsers. Despite these advantages, it is crucial to keep in mind the security concerns and performance-related issues that may arise during file uploads and take necessary steps to address them.

Updated on: 17-Apr-2023

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