Extended Access List


Access control lists (ACLs) are an important component of network security. ACLs are used to regulate network traffic and restrict access to network resources. An ACL is a set of rules that is applied to a network interface, router or firewall, which dictates which packets are allowed to pass through and which are dropped. ACLs can be either standard or extended, and they can be configured to allow or deny traffic based on source and destination IP addresses, protocols, and port numbers.

In this article, we will explore extended access list in network security, its importance, and how to configure it.

Extended Access List

An extended access list is a type of ACL that can be used to filter traffic based on source and destination IP addresses, protocols, and port numbers. Extended ACLs provide a higher level of granularity in network traffic filtering, and they are more flexible than standard ACLs. Extended ACLs can be used to permit or deny traffic based on a specific protocol, port number, or IP address.

Configuring an Extended Access List

Configuring an extended access list involves several steps, including identifying source and destination IP addresses, specifying protocol and port number, and determining whether to permit or deny traffic. following example demonstrates how to configure an extended access list:

access-list 101 permit tcp host host eq 80

In this example, access list 101 is being configured to permit TCP traffic from source IP address to destination IP address on port 80. "permit" keyword is used to allow specified traffic to pass through, while "deny" keyword can be used to block traffic.

Types of Extended Access List

There are two types of extended access lists: numbered and named. Numbered access lists are identified by a number between 100 and 199 or 2000 and 2699, while named access lists are identified by a user-defined name.

Numbered Access List

Numbered access lists are identified by a number between 100 and 199 or 2000 and 2699. Numbered access lists are easy to configure and manage, but they are less flexible than named access lists. Numbered access lists are typically used for small networks or networks with simple access control requirements.

Named Access List

Named access lists are identified by a user-defined name. Named access lists are more flexible than numbered access lists, as they allow for more descriptive and meaningful names. Named access lists are easier to manage and configure than numbered access lists, especially in larger networks with complex access control requirements.

Example of an Extended Access List Configuration

The following example demonstrates how to configure a named extended access list −

ip access-list extended WEB-TRAFFIC
permit tcp any host eq www
permit tcp any host eq 443
deny ip any any

In this example, a named extended access list called "WEB-TRAFFIC" is being configured to allow TCP traffic from any source IP address to destination IP address on ports 80 and 443. "deny" statement at end of access list is used to block all other IP traffic.

Benefits of Extended Access List

Extended access lists provide several benefits to network security, including −

  • Granular control − Extended access lists provide granular control over network traffic by allowing administrators to specify exact protocols, ports, and IP addresses that are permitted or denied.

  • Improved security − Extended access lists help improve network security by blocking unwanted traffic and preventing unauthorized access to network resources.

  • Increased flexibility − Extended access lists are more flexible than standard access lists, allowing for more complex access control requirements and configurations.

  • Customizable − Extended access lists can be customized to meet specific needs of an organization, allowing administrators to create rules that are tailored to their network environment.

  • Better network performance − Extended access lists can improve network performance by reducing network congestion and preventing unnecessary traffic from traversing network.

Examples of Extended Access List Usage

Extended access lists can be used in a variety of network security scenarios, including −

  • Firewall filtering − Extended access lists can be used to filter traffic at firewall level, preventing unwanted traffic from entering network.

  • Network segmentation − Extended access lists can be used to segment network, allowing administrators to restrict traffic between different segments and improve network security.

  • Intrusion detection and prevention: Extended access lists can be used in conjunction with intrusion detection and prevention systems to block traffic from known malicious IP addresses or prevent specific types of attacks.

  • Quality of Service (QoS) − Extended access lists can be used to prioritize traffic for certain applications or services, ensuring that they receive necessary bandwidth and network resources.

Best Practices for Extended Access List Configuration

When configuring extended access lists, there are several best practices that network administrators should follow to ensure that they are properly secured −

  • Use named access lists − Named access lists are easier to manage and configure than numbered access lists, especially in larger networks with complex access control requirements.

  • Use least privilege principle − Access lists should be configured to allow only minimum necessary traffic to pass through, following least privilege principle. This will help prevent unauthorized access to network resources and reduce risk of security breaches.

  • Document access list configurations − Network administrators should document all access list configurations, including purpose of each access list, to ensure that they can be easily managed and updated in future.

  • Test access list configurations − Access list configurations should be tested thoroughly before they are implemented in a production environment to ensure that they are functioning as intended and not causing any network performance issues.

  • Regularly review and update access list configurations − Access list configurations should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they are still relevant and effective in protecting network. As network requirements change, access list configurations should be updated accordingly.

Common Mistakes in Extended Access List Configuration

There are several common mistakes that network administrators make when configuring extended access lists. These include −

  • Allowing too much traffic − One of most common mistakes is allowing too much traffic to pass through access lists, which can increase risk of security breaches and reduce network performance.

  • Misconfiguring access lists − Misconfiguring access lists can cause traffic to be blocked unintentionally, resulting in network downtime and user frustration.

  • Not documenting access list configurations − Failing to document access list configurations can make it difficult to manage and update them in future, leading to confusion and errors.

  • Overcomplicating access list configurations: Overcomplicating access list configurations can make them difficult to manage and troubleshoot, and can also increase risk of misconfiguration and errors.

Extended Access Lists and IPv6

Extended access lists are also compatible with IPv6 addresses, which are becoming more prevalent as IPv4 addresses become scarce. However, syntax for IPv6 access lists is different from that of IPv4 access lists, so network administrators should be familiar with appropriate syntax before configuring access lists for IPv6.

Extended Access Lists and Network Monitoring

Extended access lists can also be used in conjunction with network monitoring tools to detect and analyze network traffic. For example, network administrators can configure access lists to log traffic from specific IP addresses or protocols, allowing them to monitor network activity and identify potential security threats.

Extended Access Lists and Cloud Computing

With growing popularity of cloud computing, extended access lists are also being used to secure cloud-based environments. By configuring access lists to restrict traffic to and from cloud-based services and applications, organizations can ensure that their data and resources are properly secured and protected.

Extended Access Lists and Compliance

Extended access lists can also help organizations meet compliance requirements, such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). By configuring access lists to restrict traffic to and from sensitive data and applications, organizations can demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and avoid costly penalties for noncompliance.


Extended access lists are an important component of network security, providing granular control over network traffic and improving network performance. By allowing administrators to specify exact protocols, ports, and IP addresses that are permitted or denied, extended access lists help prevent unauthorized access to network resources and reduce risk of security breaches. By understanding how to configure and use extended access lists, network administrators can help protect their networks from security threats and ensure integrity of their data and resources.

Updated on: 29-Sep-2023


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