Enumerations in Dart Programming

An enumeration is a set of predefined values. These values are known as members. They are useful when we want to deal with a limited set of values for the variable. For example, you can think of the number of days in a week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.

An Enumeration can be declared using the enum keyword.


enum <enum_name> {

Let's define an enumeration for the number of colors in a traffic light −

enum TrafficLights {

Now, let's see how we can make use of an enumeration in a Dart program.


Consider the example shown below −

 Live Demo

enum TrafficLights {

void main(){
   TrafficLights.values.forEach((x) => print('value : $x'));


[TrafficLights.Red, TrafficLights.Green, TrafficLights.Yellow]
value : TrafficLights.Red
value : TrafficLights.Green
value : TrafficLights.Yellow

Updated on: 21-May-2021


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