EmberJS-Testing Routes

Testing Routes

You can test the routes by using two ways. One is acceptance and another one is unit tests. Acceptance tests are generally used to test workflow of your application and unit tests are generally used to test a small piece of code.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>EmberJs Tesing Routes</title>
      <!-- CSS for testing programs -->
      <link href="https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-git.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/3.0.1/handlebars.min.js"></script>
      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
      <script src="https://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.10.0-beta.3/ember-template-compiler.js"></script>
      <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ember.js/1.10.0/ember.prod.js"></script>
      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-1.18.0.js"></script>
      <script src="https://rawgit.com/rwjblue/ember-qunit-builds/master/ember-qunit.js"></script>
      <script src="https://builds.emberjs.com/release/ember.debug.js"></script>
      <script src="https://builds.emberjs.com/beta/ember-data.js"></script>
      <div id="qunit"> </div>
      <div id="ember-testing"></div>

      <script type="text/x-handlebars">
         {{#link-to 'index'}}Index{{/link-to}}
         {{#link-to 'home'}}Home{{/link-to}}

      <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
         <button {{action "displayAlert" navtext}}>Index </button>

      <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="home">
         <button {{action "displayAlert" navtext}}>Home </button>

      <script type="text/javascript">
         //Creates an instance of Ember.Application and assign it to a global variable
         App = Ember.Application.create();

         //The 'map' method can be invoked to define URL mappings
         App.Router.map(function() {

         //Customize the behavior of a route by creating an Ember.Route subclass
         App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
            _displayText: function(navtext) {
            actions: {
               displayText: function(navtext) {

         //The IndexController template stores its properties and sends its actions to the Controller
         App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
            navtext: 'Index'

         //The HomeController template stores its properties and sends its actions to the Controller
         App.HomeController = Ember.Controller.extend({
            navtext: 'Home'


         //The 'DefaultResolver' defines the default lookup rules before consulting the container for registered items
         setResolver(Ember.DefaultResolver.create({ namespace: App }));
         App.setupForTesting();   //This method is used to prepare the application for testing

         var res;

         //The 'moduleFor' helper is used to setup a test container
         moduleFor('route:application', 'Unit: route/application', {
            setup: function() {
               res = window.document.write;   //Store a reference to the browser
            teardown: function() {
               window.document.write = res;   //Restore original functions

         test('Display is called on displayText', function() {

            //'this.subject()' is used to get an instance of the 'IndexController' and 'HomeController'
            var route = this.subject();

            //The text to be display
            var expectedText = 'Tutorialspoint';

            //Defines window.document.write to perform a qunit test
            window.document.write = function(navtext) {
               equal(navtext, expectedText, 'expected ' + navtext + ' to ' + expectedText);

            //Call the _displayText function which triggers the qunit test above


Let's carry out the following steps to see how above code works −

  • Save above code in testing_routes.htm file

  • Open this HTML file in a browser.
