Displaying the Employees in Increasing Order of their Salaries in SQL Server


Displaying employees in increasing order of their salaries in SQL Server involves a few steps. First, you need to have a database and a table that stores information about employees, including their salaries. Once you have that, you can use SQL commands to query the table and retrieve the data in the desired order.

To retrieve the data in increasing order of salary, you can use the ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement. The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the results of a query by one or more columns. In this case, you would use it to sort the results by the Salary column in ascending order.


Displaying the employees in increasing order of their salaries in SQL Server refers to the process of using SQL (Structured Query Language) commands to retrieve and sort data from a database table that contains information about employees, including their salaries. The data is sorted in ascending order based on the value of the salary column, so that the employees with the lowest salaries appear first in the results and those with the highest salaries appear last. This can be done using the ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement, which is used to sort the results of a query based on one or more columns. The goal of this process is to display the employee's salary data in a way that makes it easy to understand and compare the relative earnings of different employees.

SQL Query

The following query retrieves all columns from the Employees table and orders the results by the Salary column in ascending order −

SELECT * FROM Employees ORDER BY Salary;

It is important to note that the order of salary can also be sorted descending by using 'ORDER BY Salary DESC' −


It will list the highest salary first

Once you run this query, the results will be returned in the order of increasing salary, allowing you to easily identify which employees have the lowest and highest salaries.


There are several factors to consider when displaying the employees in increasing order of their salaries in SQL Server −

  • Database and Table Structure − In order to retrieve and sort data based on employee salaries, you must have a database and table that contains the necessary information. The table should have a column for employee IDs, names, and salaries.

  • Data quality − The data in the table should be accurate and up-to-date in order for the query results to be meaningful. Incorrect or missing data can lead to inaccurate or incomplete results.

  • Indexing − If the table is very large, indexing the column on which the sorting will be based can improve the performance of the query and make it run faster.

  • Sorting direction − The query can sort the data in ascending (default) or descending order. It depends on your requirement if you want to see the lowest salary first or the highest salary first.

  • Columns Needed − The query should only retrieve the columns that are necessary to display the information, to improve the query performance and to avoid unnecessary data transmission.

  • Security − The query should ensure that only authorized users are able to access the salary data, to protect the privacy of the employees.

  • Maintenance − Regularly check and maintain the database and table to ensure the data remains accurate and up-to-date.

By considering these factors and crafting the query carefully, you can retrieve and display the employee salary data in a way that is accurate, efficient, and secure.


To create a database in SQL Server, you can use the following SQL commands −

// Create a new database CREATE DATABASE EmployeeDB; // Use the new database USE EmployeeDB; // Create a table to store employees CREATE TABLE Employees ( EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(255), Salary DECIMAL(18, 2) );

To add some data to the Employees table, you can use the INSERT INTO command −

INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, Name, Salary) VALUES (1, 'John Smith', 50000), (2, 'Jane Doe', 60000), (3, 'Bob Johnson', 55000), (4, 'Sara Lee', 65000), (5, 'Mark Brown', 70000);

To display the employees in increasing order of their salaries, you can use the following SQL query −

// Display employees in increasing order of salary SELECT * FROM Employees ORDER BY Salary;

This query selects all columns from the Employees table and orders the results by the Salary column in ascending order.

If you would like to retrieve the highest salary first use 'DESC'.

// Display employees in descending order of salary SELECT * FROM Employees ORDER BY Salary DESC;


  • Displaying the employees in increasing order of their salaries in SQL Server is an important task that allows you to understand and compare the relative earnings of different employees.

  • The process involves using SQL commands to retrieve and sort data from a database table that contains employee information, including their salaries.

Updated on: 25-Jan-2023

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