Deleting all records of a collection in MongoDB Shell?

To delete all records of a collection in MongoDB shell, use the remove() method. The syntax is as follows −


To understand the syntax, let us create a collection with document. The query to create a collection with document is as follows −

> db.deleteAllRecordsDemo.insertOne({"StudentName":"John"});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c8f6ca32f684a30fbdfd596")
> db.deleteAllRecordsDemo.insertOne({"StudentName":"Carol","StudentAge":21});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c8f6cb22f684a30fbdfd597")
> db.deleteAllRecordsDemo.insertOne({"StudentName":"Mike","StudentAge":23,"Hobby":["Learning","Photography"]});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c8f6cde2f684a30fbdfd598")

Display all documents from a collection with the help of find() method. The query is as follows −

> db.deleteAllRecordsDemo.find().pretty();

The following is the output −

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c8f6ca32f684a30fbdfd596"), "StudentName" : "John" }
   "_id" : ObjectId("5c8f6cb22f684a30fbdfd597"),
   "StudentName" : "Carol",
   "StudentAge" : 21
   "_id" : ObjectId("5c8f6cde2f684a30fbdfd598"),
   "StudentName" : "Mike",
   "StudentAge" : 23,
   "Hobby" : [

Here is the query to delete all records of a collection in MongoDB:

> db.deleteAllRecordsDemo.remove({});
WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 3 })

Look at the above query, we have deleted all records from a collection. If you try to get records from the above collection, you will get nothing.

The query is as follows −

> db.deleteAllRecordsDemo.find().pretty();

The following is the output −


Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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