Create View Class Based Views Django

What is Django?

Django is a well-known web framework written in Python that enables developers to create web applications more quickly. The views in a Django application are the ones in charge of processing HTTP requests and sending back HTTP answers. Class-based views, also known as CBVs, are an alternative to function-based views, also known as FBVs. They provide a method to designing views that is more object-oriented.

Python classes that inherit from one of Django's built-in view classes are what are referred to as CBVs in the Django framework. These classes provide methods that correlate to the various HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and enable you to describe how your view should act for each HTTP method. For example, GET corresponds to the GET method, POST corresponds to the PUT method, and so on.

Since you can define reusable behaviour in parent classes and inherit from those classes in your views, one of the primary benefits of CBVs is that they give a more organised approach of organising your code. This is one of the most important advantages of using CBVs. You are also able to design more complicated logic for your views thanks to the fact that you are able to modify the behaviour of the built-in view methods in its default state.

CBVs, in general, provide a more object-oriented method of constructing views in Django. This enables you to arrange your code in a manner that is more organised and to specify more complicated logic for your views. They are an effective instrument for constructing dependable web applications using the Django framework.


This tutorial will assume that you already have a fundamental familiarity with both Django and Python. You should already have Django installed on your computer and have a project organised and ready to begin.

Steps and processes

Step 1: Creating a View Using Function-Based Views

Before we dive into CBVs, let's first create a view using Function Based Views (FBVs). Views are functions that handle HTTP requests and return HTTP responses. FBVs are a simple way to create views in Django.

from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):
   context = {}
   return render(request, 'index.html', context)

In the code above, we have created a view called index. This view takes a request object and returns an HTTP response by rendering an HTML template called index.html.

Step 2: Creating a View Using Class Based Views

The equivalent of the index view we just created as a CBV would look like this −


from django.views import View
from django.shortcuts import render

class IndexView(View):
   def get(self, request):
      context = {}
      return render(request, 'index.html', context)

As you can see, we have created a class called IndexView that inherits from the django.views.View class. To handle the HTTP request, we define a method called get that takes the request object as an argument. Then, we define the context dictionary that we will use to render the template and return the rendered response

Step 3: Using Django's TemplateView

Django comes with a lot of built-in CBVs that make common tasks easier. One such view is the TemplateView. The TemplateView takes care of rendering a template for us.

To use the TemplateView in your project, you will need to import it from django.views.generic. Here is an example using the TemplateView −


from django.views.generic import TemplateView

class IndexView(TemplateView):
   template_name = 'index.html'

In the code above, we have used the TemplateView to create our view. We have defined the template_name attribute to tell Django which template to use to render the response. You can also define additional context data by overriding the get_context_data method

Step 4: Handling Forms With Django's FormView

Django also provides a FormView CBV that simplifies handling forms. The FormView handles the logic of displaying a form, validating the data submitted by the user, and doing something with that data.

Here is an example of using the FormView −


from django.views.generic.edit import FormView
from django.forms import ContactForm

class ContactView(FormView):
   template_name = 'contact.html'
   form_class = ContactForm
   success_url = '/contact/'

   def form_valid(self, form):
      return super().form_valid(form)

The start_timer function updates the current time label with the current time using the time module's strftime function. It also sets the timer label to 25 minutes (the length of a Pomodoro interval) and disables the start button while enabling the stop button. The stop_timer function resets the timer label to an empty string and enables the start button while disabling the stop button.

In this example, we have defined a view called ContactView that inherits from the FormView class. We have defined the template_name attribute to tell Django which template to use to display the form. We have also defined the form_class attribute to tell Django which form to use.

The form_valid method is called when the form is successfully validated. Here, we are calling the send_email method on the form object to send the form data as an email. We have also defined the success_url attribute to tell Django where to redirect the user after the form has been successfully submitted.

What are the different types of Class Based Views available in Django?

The different types of Class Based Views available in Django are: ListView, DetailView, CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView, FormView and TemplateView.

What are the advantages of using Class Based Views in Django?

Using Class-Based Views in Django has a number of benefits, including the following: it makes it possible to reuse code; it simplifies the process of designing complicated views; and it makes it possible to customise the behaviour of the view in a higher degree.

What are some of the best practices for creating Class Based Views in Django?

Use the appropriate view class for the type of view you are creating, use the as view() method to create an instance of the view class, and use the built-in methods provided by Django to customise the behaviour of the view. These are some of the best practises for creating Class Based Views in Django. Other best practises include: use the appropriate view class for the type of view you are creating.

Why and when should you use class-based views vs functional views?

If you want to build completely functional CRUD operations in your Django application, class-based views are a wonderful choice. But, if you choose to use function-based views instead, you can do the same thing with very little more time and effort.

How to connect two views in Django?

Use a view that is part of the wrapper view and is included as the context within the view function or class. In any other case, you may construct a view from a context like as this one, but it will need a request object from you: as view(add context=context) is a function of the InlineView class (request) Also, I am not really certain how you would include it into the other perspective after the fact.

What is meant by class-based views?

A class that also performs the job of a view is referred to as a class-based view. As it is a class, new instances of the class may be generated with different parameters to modify the behaviour of the view. This can be done in a variety of ways. There are a several names for this kind of view: generic views, reusable views, and pluggable views.

What is the purpose of a view function Django?

A Python function called a view function, or view for short, is a function that receives a web request and delivers a web response. View functions are also known as view functions. The HTML content of a web page, a redirect, a 404 error, an XML document, or an image may all constitute this answer. Alternatively, it may be an image.

What is an example of class-based view?

These are views that are based on classes and give additional functionality that is common. For instance, a typical kind of view may be termed a template view. This would refer to a view that creates some context and then transmits that information to a particular template so that it can be shown. TemplateView is a generic class-based view that is provided by Django specifically for the purpose stated above.

What is the difference between class-based and object-oriented?

One may differentiate between two types of languages while working with object-oriented programming. Class-based languages revolve on the idea of classes, which are essentially just descriptive categories for things. The idea of a class is replaced in object-oriented programming languages by the use of constructs in order to facilitate the production of unique objects.

Can we create multiple views in Django?

Indeed, not only does this work for, but it also works well for and

Are there any disadvantages to using class-based views in Django?

The use of class-based views in Django does, in fact, come with the possibility of a few drawbacks. Since the code for class-based views is distributed throughout numerous methods, one potential drawback is that it may be more difficult to troubleshoot mistakes in these types of views. In addition, in comparison to function-based views, class-based views could call for more design and configuration work from the beginning.

How to get values from form in Django views?

Making Use of a View's Form

In Django, the request object that is supplied as a parameter to your view contains a property called "method" that is used to determine the type of the request. Moreover, all of the data that is sent through POST can be viewed via the request. The dictionary of POST. The view will provide the outcome of the login form submission made using the logged in user's account.

Final Program,Code

from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):
   context = {}
   return render(request, 'index.html', context)

from django.views import View
from django.shortcuts import render

class IndexView(View):
   def get(self, request):
      context = {}
      return render(request, 'index.html', context) 
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

class IndexView(TemplateView):
   template_name = 'index.html' 

from django.views.generic.edit import FormView
from .forms import ContactForm

class ContactView(FormView):
   template_name = 'contact.html'
   form_class = ContactForm
   success_url = '/contact/'

   def form_valid(self, form):
      return super().form_valid(form)



We have gone through the steps necessary to generate CBVs in Django throughout this post. We investigated several of the CBVs that are already contained within Django, such as TemplateView and FormView. CBVs can make routine tasks easier and provide a large amount of code that can be reused. If you use CBVs in the Django projects you're working on, you can cut down on the amount of time spent developing, as well as make your code more modular and simpler to maintain.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023


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