Create a Pandas Dataframe from a dict of equal length lists in Python

The Dataframe in pandas can be created using various options. One of the option is to take a dictionary and convert it to a Dataframe. In this article we will see how to take three lists of equal length and convert them to a pandas dataframe using a python dictionary.

Uisng Lists and Dictionary

In this approach we have the lists declared individually. Then each of them is used as a value for the appropriate key inside a dictionary definition. Finally the pandas method called pd.Dataframe is applied to the dictionary.


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import pandas as pd

# Lists for Exam schedule
Days = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed','Thu', 'Fri']
Sub = ['Chemisry','Physics','Maths','English','Biology']
Time = ['2 PM', '10 AM', '11 AM','1 PM', '3 PM']

# Dictionary for Exam Schedule
Exam_Schedule = {'Exam Day': Days,
               'Exam Subject': Sub,
               'Exam Time': Time}

# Dictionary to DataFrame
Exam_Schedule_df = pd.DataFrame(Exam_Schedule)



Running the above code gives us the following result −

   Exam Day Exam Subject Exam Time
0    Mon    Chemisry     2 PM
1    Tue    Physics       10 AM
2    Wed    Maths         11 AM
3    Thu    English       1 PM
4    Fri    Biology       3 PM

Using Lists inside a Dictionary

In this approach we take the lists directly as the values inside the dictionary instead of declaring them individually. Then the dictionary is converted to the pandas dataframe in a similar manner as above.


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import pandas as pd

# Dictionary for Exam Schedule
Exam_Schedule = {
'Exam Day': ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed','Thu', 'Fri'],
'Exam Subject': ['Chemisry','Physics','Maths','English','Biology'],
'Exam Time': ['2 PM', '10 AM', '11 AM','1 PM', '3 PM']

# Dictionary to DataFrame
Exam_Schedule_df = pd.DataFrame(Exam_Schedule)



Running the above code gives us the following result −

   Exam Day Exam Subject Exam Time
0    Mon       Chemisry       2 PM
1    Tue       Physics       10 AM
2    Wed       Maths          11 AM
3    Thu       English      1 PM
4    Fri       Biology        3 PM

Updated on: 26-Aug-2020


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