C++ Program to Implement Circular Queue

A queue is an abstract data structure that contains a collection of elements. Queue implements the FIFO mechanism i.e the element that is inserted first is also deleted first.

A circular queue is a type of queue in which the last position is connected to the first position to make a circle.

A program to implement circular queue in C++ is given as follows −


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int cqueue[5];
int front = -1, rear = -1, n=5;

void insertCQ(int val) {
   if ((front == 0 && rear == n-1) || (front == rear+1)) {
      cout<<"Queue Overflow \n";
   if (front == -1) {
      front = 0;
      rear = 0;
   } else {
      if (rear == n - 1)
      rear = 0;
      rear = rear + 1;
   cqueue[rear] = val ;
void deleteCQ() {
   if (front == -1) {
      cout<<"Queue Underflow\n";
      return ;
   cout<<"Element deleted from queue is : "<<cqueue[front]<<endl;

   if (front == rear) {
      front = -1;
      rear = -1;
   } else {
      if (front == n - 1)
      front = 0;
      front = front + 1;
void displayCQ() {
   int f = front, r = rear;
   if (front == -1) {
      cout<<"Queue is empty"<<endl;
   cout<<"Queue elements are :\n";
   if (f <= r) {
      while (f <= r){
         cout<<cqueue[f]<<" ";
   } else {
      while (f <= n - 1) {
         cout<<cqueue[f]<<" ";
      f = 0;
      while (f <= r) {
         cout<<cqueue[f]<<" ";
int main() {

   int ch, val;
   do {
      cout<<"Enter choice : "<<endl;
      switch(ch) {
         case 1:
         cout<<"Input for insertion: "<<endl;

         case 2:

         case 3:

         case 4:
         default: cout<<"Incorrect!\n";
   } while(ch != 4);
   return 0;


The output of the above program is as follows −


Enter choice : 1
Input for insertion:
Enter choice : 1
Input for insertion:
Enter choice : 1
Input for insertion:
Enter choice : 1
Input for insertion:
Enter choice : 1
Input for insertion:
Enter choice : 2
Element deleted from queue is : 5
Enter choice : 2
Element deleted from queue is : 3
Enter choice : 2
Element deleted from queue is : 2
Enter choice : 1
Input for insertion: 6
Enter choice : 3
Queue elements are :
7 9 6
Enter choice : 4

Updated on: 25-Jun-2020

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