C++ Program to Convert Set of String to Array of String

Sets in C++ re containers that contain unique values of a specific type. Arrays or the array container in std C++ is a fixed-size container that contains elements of a specific size. Arrays are like vectors, but the main difference is that arrays are of a fixed size whereas vectors can be dynamic. The array container in C++ is a wrapper for the standard arrays that are available in both C and C++. There is a problem in this conversion though, std arrays do not have support for the common insertion methods that are available with the other containers. So, arrays are a bit limited for conversion to other containers. Let’s take a look at the conversion methods from a set containing strings to an array containing strings.

Naïve Method – Using std::array

To simplest and easiest way to insert the elements of a set into an array is by iterating through all the elements in the set and inserting them one by one into the array. The following example explains the process.


set<string> mySet;
array<string, <size> > myArray;
int i = 0;
for ( string const &val: mySet ) {
   myArray[i] = val;


  • Take input in a set.

  • Iterate through each element in the set and insert them one by one into the array.

  • Display the contents of the array.


#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
int main(){
   //initializing the list
   set<string> mySet = {"lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipiscing", "elit"};
   array<string, 8> myArray;
   cout<< "The set contents are:" << endl;
   //displaying the set contents
   for ( string const &val: mySet ) {
      cout << val << ' ';
   //copying the set contents into the array
   int i = 0;
   for ( string const &val: mySet ) {
      myArray[i] = val;
   cout << "\nThe array contents are:" << endl;
   for ( string const &val: myArray ) {
      cout << val << ' ';
   return 0;


The set contents are:
adipiscing amet consectetur dolor elit ipsum lorem sit 
The array contents are:
adipiscing amet consectetur dolor elit ipsum lorem sit 

Naïve Method – Using normal arrays

The next method is easier, it is using normal C++ arrays. We follow the same approach here.


set<string> mySet;
string myArray[<size of the set>];
int i = 0;
for ( string const &val: mySet ) {
   myArray[i] = val;


  • Take input in a set.

  • Iterate through each element in the set and insert them one by one into the array.

  • Display the contents of the array.


#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
int main(){
   //initializing the list
   set<string> mySet = {"lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipiscing", "elit"};
   string myArray[8];
   cout<< "The set contents are:" << endl;
   //displaying the set contents
   for ( string const &val: mySet ) {
      cout << val << ' ';
   //copying the set contents into the array
   int i = 0;
   for ( string const &val: mySet ) {
      myArray[i] = val;
   cout << "\nThe array contents are:" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
      cout << myArray[i] << ' ';
   return 0;


The set contents are:
adipiscing amet consectetur dolor elit ipsum lorem sit 
The array contents are:
adipiscing amet consectetur dolor elit ipsum lorem sit 


Arrays in the std C++ library add some features to the traditional arrays that are present in C and C++. But, the features of the normal array are also present in the std array, the biggest one being of a fixed size. Vectors are more versatile in this case and also are dynamic, so it allows more data to be inserted into them. However, there are applications of the std::array, and the conversion method from other containers to array is similar to converting from set to array.

Updated on: 14-Dec-2022

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