Convoy Effect in FCFS

In computer operating systems, scheduling algorithms play a crucial role in managing the execution of multiple processes. The First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) scheduling algorithm is one such method that follows a sequential order in executing processes as per their arrival time in the system. Although FCFS is a straightforward and easily implementable algorithm, it may result in the Convoy Effect, where a bulky process monopolizes resources and creates a backlog of smaller processes, causing delays and inefficiencies.

First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling

First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) is a scheduling algorithm used by computer operating systems to manage the execution of multiple processes. In FCFS scheduling, processes are executed in the order in which they arrive in the system.

When a process arrives in the system, it is added to the end of a queue of processes waiting to be executed. The first process in the queue is executed by the CPU, and when it completes, the next process in the queue is executed, and so on. This continues until all processes have been executed or until the system reaches a pre-determined time limit. FCFS scheduling is simple and easy to implement, but it can lead to longer wait times for processes with higher resource requirements, as they may be waiting behind smaller processes that arrived earlier.

For example, imagine a system with three processes: P1, P2, and P3. P1 arrives first and takes 10 units of CPU time to complete. P2 arrives second and takes 5 units of CPU time to complete. P3 arrives third and takes 15 units of CPU time to complete. Under FCFS scheduling, P1 would be executed first, followed by P2, and then P3. This means that P2 would have to wait until P1 completes before it can begin executing, even though it arrived earlier. Similarly, P3 would have to wait for both P1 and P2 to complete before it can start executing, leading to longer overall wait times and potentially slower system performance.

Overall, FCFS scheduling is a simple and intuitive algorithm, but it may not be optimal for systems with high variability in process size or resource requirements, where alternative scheduling algorithms like Shortest Job First or Priority Scheduling may be more effective.

Convoy Effect

The Convoy Effect is a phenomenon that can occur in FCFS scheduling algorithms, where a large or resource-intensive process ties up system resources and causes a backlog of other processes waiting to use those same resources.

Under FCFS scheduling, processes are executed in the order in which they arrive in the system, regardless of their resource requirements or urgency. This means that if a large process arrives early in the queue, it will be executed first, even if there are smaller, higher priority processes waiting behind it. As the large process consumes resources for an extended period, other smaller processes waiting behind it are forced to wait in a queue, leading to a buildup of processes waiting for those same resources. This backlog can slow down the entire system, even for processes that do not require the same resources as the slow-moving process.

For example, suppose there are three processes A, B, and C that need to be executed on a computer system. Process A is a large process that requires a lot of resources and takes a long time to complete, while processes B and C are smaller processes that require fewer resources and can be executed quickly. Under FCFS scheduling, process A is executed first since it arrived in the system first. As process A ties up system resources, processes B and C are forced to wait in a queue, leading to a buildup of processes. This buildup can slow down the entire system and increase the response time for processes waiting in the queue.

The Convoy Effect can occur in a variety of real-world computer systems, including −

  • Database Systems − In database systems, large queries that require a lot of resources can cause a backlog of smaller queries waiting to access the same resources, leading to slower response times for all queries.

  • Web Servers − In web servers, large downloads or file transfers can tie up system resources and cause delays for other users trying to access the server.

  • Operating Systems − In operating systems, large processes like system updates or backups can cause a backlog of smaller processes waiting to access the same resources, leading to slower response times and reduced system performance.

The consequences of the Convoy Effect can vary depending on the type of system and the processes involved. In real-time systems or systems with time-critical processes, delays caused by the Convoy Effect can have serious consequences, such as missed deadlines or data loss. In non-time-critical systems, the impact of the Convoy Effect may be less severe, but it can still lead to slower response times and reduced system performance. In some cases, the Convoy Effect can even cause system crashes or failures if resources are tied up for an extended period, leading to resource exhaustion or deadlock.

Impact of Convoy Effect on System Performance

The Convoy Effect can have a significant impact on system performance by reducing the throughput of the system and increasing the response time for processes waiting in the queue.

When a large process ties up system resources for an extended period, other processes that require those same resources are forced to wait in a queue, leading to a backlog of processes. This backlog can slow down the entire system, even for processes that do not require the same resources as the slow-moving process.

Additionally, the Convoy Effect can increase the response time for processes waiting in the queue. Even if a high-priority process arrives in the system, it will have to wait for the slower-moving process to finish before it can use the required resources, leading to longer response times and potentially missed deadlines.

The impact of the Convoy Effect on system performance can be particularly problematic in real-time systems or systems with time-critical processes. In these systems, delays can have serious consequences, such as data loss or system failure.

To mitigate the impact of the Convoy Effect on system performance, alternative scheduling algorithms like Shortest Job First or Priority Scheduling can be used to prioritize processes based on their resource requirements or urgency. These algorithms can help to ensure that critical processes are executed quickly and efficiently, reducing the overall impact of the Convoy Effect on system performance.

Mitigation of Convoy Effect

There are several ways to mitigate the Convoy Effect in FCFS scheduling −

1. Alternative Scheduling Algorithms

Using alternative scheduling algorithms such as Shortest Job First or Priority Scheduling can help to prioritize processes based on their resource requirements or urgency. This can ensure that critical processes are executed quickly and efficiently, reducing the overall impact of the Convoy Effect on system performance.

2. Resource Allocation

Resource allocation can also help to mitigate the Convoy Effect. By allocating resources based on the needs of each process, system administrators can ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively, reducing the chances of a large process tying up resources and causing delays for other processes.

3. Parallel Processing

Parallel processing involves dividing a large process into smaller sub-tasks that can be executed simultaneously. This can help to reduce the time it takes to complete the process and free up resources for other processes, mitigating the impact of the Convoy Effect.

4. System Monitoring and Tuning

System administrators can monitor system performance and tune system parameters to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively. This can help to identify potential bottlenecks and prevent a single process from monopolizing resources and causing delays for other processes.

5. Preemptive Scheduling

Preemptive scheduling involves interrupting a running process if a higher priority process becomes available. This can help to ensure that critical processes are executed quickly and efficiently, reducing the overall impact of the Convoy Effect on system performance. By implementing these mitigation strategies, system administrators can help to reduce the impact of the Convoy Effect and improve system performance.


The Convoy Effect is a common issue in FCFS scheduling that can cause delays and reduce system performance. Understanding the causes and consequences of the Convoy Effect is essential for system administrators to ensure that critical processes are executed efficiently and effectively. By implementing mitigation strategies such as alternative scheduling algorithms, resource allocation, parallel processing, system monitoring and tuning, and preemptive scheduling, system administrators can reduce the impact of the Convoy Effect and improve system performance. Overall, the Convoy Effect highlights the importance of effective resource management and process prioritization in computer systems, especially in time-critical systems where delays can have serious consequences.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023

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