Comparison between different React Native UI libraries

Facebook developed React Native to build natively compiled cross-platform apps. It is most popular among mobile app developers who want to create applications that can be used on Android and iOS devices.

React Native started to emerge as it gained a growing community's trust, including premade UI components and React Native libraries.

The creation of Uber Eats, Instagram, Pinterest, Airbnb, Skype, etc made use of their React Native platform and all of them are self-explanatory.

React Native UI Element

React Native is an open-source Javascript library that helps developers create mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms.

Over 70% of companies prefer React Native over other UI libraries.

React Native is made up of two parts: the UI and the logic. The UI part does not require any JavaScript knowledge but instead requires you to use JSX or ES6 JavaScript syntax. It uses React’s default templating engine, JSX or ES6 JavaScript syntax, and provides a number of custom components.

The UI Element in React Native is represented as a simple component which can be used to create custom components programmatically.

React Native can run on Android, Windows Phone 8+, iOS, Tizen (Samsung), Ubuntu Touch, Windows 8+, and Mac OS X thanks to its flexible rendering abilities. The React Native can also take advantage of native APIs on each platform to provide an experience more native to those platforms.

UI Libraries For React Native

We’ll discuss here some of the most popular react-native UI libraries -

React Native Papers

React Native Papers and React Native Components are pretty comparable. The primary distinction is that React Native Paper bases its UI elements upon the Material Style UI. React Native Paper seems to be the UI library to use if you appreciate its Material UI presentation system.

You'll most likely utilize the theming functionality rather frequently while utilizing React Native Paper. Theming lets you incorporate your distinctive design framework and the library's aesthetic. You may take your color design and unique typography.


With the help of styled-components, users may compose CSS like React components, enabling auto-prefixing and dynamic formatting. React Native is also supported by it. Typically, designs in React Native are written as JavaScript entities.

Nevertheless, defining styles as components enables you to create reusable elements, understandable code, and various uses for your styles, resulting in less code overall.

React Native Elements

Several UI libraries inside the vast realm of web development, like MaterialUI and Bootstrap, spare you the effort of creating your style from the start. You may benefit from better cross-browser compatibility or ethical design.

The most favored UI library for React Native is React Native Elements since it has excellent documentation, is easy to install, and has the proper assistance for Android and Ios.

React Native Credit Card Entry

Utilizing React Native Credit Card Input seems quite simple. It provides a beautiful user experience by allowing simple credit card information input and has an exciting animation and pleasant user interface.

  • Submitting payment information is more natural with React Native Credit Card Input.

  • Also includes a configurable design, allowing you to incorporate your preferred iconography and layout.

  • Manages the credit card information validation and offers an autocomplete option.

Extended React Native StyleSheet

Although React Native Extended StyleSheet is comparable to the built-in React Native StyleSheet conceptualization, it leads to additional benefits, including themes, dynamic styles, variables, and media queries.

The Extended StyleSheet is a React Native style extension for deep customization of your app's styling. It allows you to use Sass, Bootstrap, or any other CSS extension.

Stylesheets are not just limited to styling UI elements but can be used for any other part of your application such as styling React components or defining custom fonts. The module also provides a handy way to define cross-platform UI styles for your React Native app.

React Native Vector Symbol

Similar to street signs, mobile software icons are essential for navigation. Without them, users can't use this same app. Said icons make it clear to the users what does the UI means and gives them a clear visual perception of your application. React-native-vectoricons are suggested because they −

  • Are simple to use and highly adaptable

  • Include widely used icon collections like MaterialIcons and FontAwesome.

  • Support multiple platforms like Windows, the web, Android, iOS, etc.

SVG React Native

SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics markup language, dependent on XML describes twodimensional vector illustrations. It is effective for visuals, as HTML is just for texts, per MDN.

SVG displays the data clearly at every size with the other widely used web standards like SMIL, DOM, CSS, and JavaScript

React Native does not, by default, enable SVG which is why you may use React Native on Android and iOS to view SVG with this module.

React Native Gifted Chat

React-native-gifted-chat is a fantastic package that makes it easy to build a UI chat feature when you want to add conversation to the React Native application.

The library offers web, iOS, and Android support. Since react-native-gifted-chat lacks native code, linking is not necessary. You may effortlessly get the package utilizing npm or Yarn −

yarn add react-native-gifted-chat

React Native Lottie

Airbnb created the Lottie library to transform Adobe After Effects graphics. It supports the web, iOS, and Android. By offering an element wrapper API within React Native, reactnative-Lottie enables users to leverage Lottie graphics.

You can set it up similarly to any other React Native library. You may give the route to the animation source when importing LottieView as an element. Lottie animations are available on LottieFiles.

React-Native Animatable

React Native's UI may now include transitions and animations thanks to react-nativeanimatable.

One can utilize its descriptive API element as a wrapper for the components you wish to display or to whom you would like to apply some transitions. The best part is that the transition's direction, latency, and length are all adjustable.


The React Native community is quite diverse and each library offers different benefits, making it difficult to choose the right one. However, you can select the best solution that better serves your project and requirements.

Updated on: 07-Dec-2022

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