Common Linux Text Search


Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used for servers, workstations, and mobile devices. It is well-known for its stability, reliability, and security. One of most useful features of Linux is its command-line interface (CLI), which allows users to perform various tasks quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will focus on one of most common tasks in Linux CLI – text search.

Text search is an essential task for many Linux users, as it allows them to find specific pieces of text in files, directories, and even across entire system. Linux provides several tools for text search, and in this article, we will discuss some of most commonly used ones.


The grep command is perhaps most widely used tool for text search in Linux. It allows users to search for a specific pattern of text within one or more files. syntax for using grep is −

grep pattern [file...]

For example, suppose we have a file called sample.txt that contains following text −

The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.

To search for word "fox" in this file, we can use following command −

grep fox sample.txt

This will return following output −

The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.

By default, grep is case-sensitive, so it will not match "Fox" or "FOX". To perform a case-insensitive search, we can use -i option −

grep -i fox sample.txt

This will return same output as previous command.


The find command is another powerful tool for text search in Linux. It allows users to search for files that match a particular pattern of text, and it can search recursively through directories and subdirectories. syntax for using find is −

find [path...] [expression]

For example, suppose we have a directory called docs that contains several files, and we want to find all files that contain word "Linux". We can use following command −

find docs/ -type f -exec grep -iH "Linux" {} \;

This command will search for files in docs directory and its subdirectories (-type f) and execute grep command on each file (-exec grep ...). -i option makes search case-insensitive, and -H option prints filename along with matched line.


The ag (or silver-searcher) command is a fast and efficient tool for text search in Linux. It is designed to be faster than grep, especially for large codebases, and it supports regular expressions by default. syntax for using ag is −

ag [options] pattern [path...]

For example, suppose we have a directory called src that contains several code files, and we want to find all files that contain a function called "calculate". We can use following command −

ag -G '\.cpp$|\.h$' calculate src/

This command will search for files in src directory that end with either .cpp or .h (-G '.cpp$|.h$') and contain word "calculate". -G option specifies a regular expression to match filenames.


The ripgrep command is another fast and efficient tool for text search in Linux. It is designed to be faster than both grep and ag, especially for large codebases, and it supports regular expressions by default. syntax for using ripgrep is −

rg [options] pattern [path...]

For example, suppose we have a directory called src that contains several code files, and we want to find all files that contain a function called "calculate". We can use following command −

rg --type-add 'cpp:*.cpp' --type-add 'h:*.h' 'calculate' src/

This command will search for files in src directory that have either a .cpp or .h extension (--type-add 'cpp:.cpp' --type-add 'h:.h') and contain word "calculate". --type-add option adds new file types to search, and --type option specifies file types to search.


The awk command is a powerful tool for text search and processing in Linux. It allows users to search for text patterns and perform various operations on them, such as printing specific fields, filtering lines, and aggregating data. syntax for using awk is −

awk 'pattern {action}' [file...]

For example, suppose we have a file called data.csv that contains following data −

Name, Age, City
John, 25, New York
Jane, 30, San Francisco
Bob, 35, Los Angeles

To print only names of people in this file, we can use following command −

awk -F, '{print $1}' data.csv

This command will use a comma (,) as field separator (-F,) and print only first field (name) of each line.


The sed command is a versatile tool for text search and processing in Linux. It allows users to perform various operations on text, such as searching for a pattern, replacing text, deleting lines, and inserting text. syntax for using sed is −

sed 'expression' [file...]

For example, suppose we have a file called sample.txt that contains following text −

The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.

To replace word "fox" with "cat" in this file, we can use following command −

sed 's/fox/cat/g' sample.txt

This command will search for pattern "fox" and replace it with "cat" (-s/fox/cat/) globally in file (-g).


The findstr command is a text search tool available on Windows systems that can also be used through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It allows users to search for a specific pattern of text within one or more files, and it supports regular expressions. syntax for using findstr is −

findstr pattern [file...]

For example, suppose we have a file called sample.txt that contains following text −

The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.

To search for word "fox" in this file using findstr, we can use following command −

findstr fox sample.txt

This will return same output as grep command we used earlier.


The ack command is a tool for text search that is designed to be faster and easier to use than grep. It supports regular expressions and has several features for filtering results and highlighting matches. syntax for using ack is −

ack [options] pattern [path...]

For example, suppose we have a directory called src that contains several code files, and we want to find all files that contain a function called "calculate". We can use following command −

ack --cc 'calculate' src/

This command will search for files in src directory that contain word "calculate" in a C++ code file.


The fzf command is a tool for fuzzy searching in Linux. It allows users to search for files, directories, and other items using a fuzzy search algorithm that matches user's input against item's name. syntax for using fzf is −

fzf [options]

For example, suppose we want to search for a file called index.html in current directory and its subdirectories. We can use following command −

find . -type f -name '*.html' | fzf

This command will use find to search for files in current directory and its subdirectories that end with .html (-type f -name '*.html') and pipe results to fzf. fzf will display a list of matching files and allow user to select one using fuzzy search.


Text search is a common task for many Linux users, and Linux provides several powerful tools for this task. In this article, we discussed some of most commonly used text search tools in Linux, including grep, find, ag, ripgrep, and awk. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and users should choose one that best fits their needs. By mastering these tools, Linux users can quickly and efficiently search for text patterns and process large amounts of data.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023


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