Code Golfing in Python

Code golfing is a programming competition that challenges participants to write programs that solve a particular problem with the fewest number of characters possible. In other words, code golfing is all about writing concise code. While code golfing can be done in any programming language, Python is particularly well−suited for this challenge due to its concise syntax and powerful built−in functions.

In this article, we will explore some techniques and strategies for code golfing in Python, along with examples and output where applicable.

Use List Comprehensions

List comprehensions are a powerful tool in Python for creating lists in a concise and readable way. In code golfing, list comprehensions can replace longer loops and conditionals. For example, consider the following code that creates a list of all even numbers between 1 and 10:

even_numbers = []
for i in range(1, 11):
    if i % 2 == 0:

This code can be golfed down to a single line using a list comprehension:


even_numbers = [i for i in range(1, 11) if i % 2 == 0]


[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

This code generates the same list of even numbers from 1 to 10 as the previous example using a list comprehension instead of a for loop and append() method. Using list comprehensions can significantly reduce the amount of code needed to achieve a certain result, making them a powerful tool in code golfing.

Use Built−in Functions

Python has a wide range of built−in functions that can be used to perform common operations in a concise way. When code golfing, it is important to be familiar with these functions and their syntax. For example, consider the following code that calculates the sum of all even numbers between 1 and 10:

even_numbers = [i for i in range(1, 11) if i % 2 == 0]
even_sum = 0
for num in even_numbers:
    even_sum += num

This code can be golfed down to a single line using the built−in sum() function:


even_sum = sum([i for i in range(1, 11) if i % 2 == 0])



Using sum() with a list comprehension to generate a list of even numbers from 1 to 10 requires less code and prints their sum as output.

Use Shortcuts

In Python, there exist several shortcuts and shorthand notations that can effectively reduce the amount of code required for certain operations. For instance, let's take a look at the following code that verifies whether a particular value exists within a list:

a, b = 0, 1
for i in range(10):
    a, b = b, a+b

This code can be golfed down to a single line using a lambda function and the reduce() function from the functools module:


from functools import reduce
print(*(reduce(lambda f, _: f+[f[-1]+f[-2]], range(8), [0, 1])), sep='\n')



The program counts vowels in "Hello, World!" and generates the first 8 Fibonacci numbers using reduce() and lambda function, then prints the sequence.

Use Lambda Functions

In Python, lambda functions are nameless functions that can be declared in a single line of code. Lambda functions are particularly useful in code golfing when a simple function needs to be defined quickly. For example, consider the following code that sorts a list of tuples based on the second element of each tuple:

my_list = [(1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2)]
def sort_by_second(elem):
    return elem[1]
sorted_list = sorted(my_list, key=sort_by_second)

This code can be golfed down to a single line using a lambda function:


my_list = [(1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2)]
sorted_list = sorted(my_list, key=lambda x: x[1])


[(2, 1), (3, 2), (1, 3)]

By using a lambda function, we can define the sorting criteria in a concise and readable way, without the need for a separate function definition.

Avoid Redundant Code

When code golfing, it is important to avoid writing redundant or repetitive code. This can include unnecessary variables, loops, or conditionals. For example, consider the following code that counts the number of vowels in a string:

my_string = "Hello, World!"
vowel_count = 0
for char in my_string:
    if char in "aeiouAEIOU":
        vowel_count += 1

This code can be golfed down to a single line by using the count() function and the str. lower() method:


my_string = "Hello, World!"
print(sum(my_string.lower().count(vowel) for vowel in "aeiou"))



By using the count() function and the str.lower() method, we can perform the same operation in a more concise and readable way.

Code Golfing Examples

To demonstrate some of the techniques and strategies we have discussed, let's look at some code golfing examples in Python.

Example: FizzBuzz

The FizzBuzz problem is a common coding challenge that involves printing numbers from 1 to 100, replacing multiples of 3 with "Fizz", multiples of 5 with "Buzz", and multiples of both 3 and 5 with "FizzBuzz". Here's a solution to the FizzBuzz problem using a traditional loop and conditional approach:

for i in range(1, 101):
    if i % 15 == 0:
    elif i % 3 == 0:
    elif i % 5 == 0:

This code can be golfed down to a single line using list comprehensions and string concatenation:

print('\n'.join("Fizz"*(i%3==0)+"Buzz"*(i%5==0) or str(i) for i in range(1,101)))

By using list comprehensions and string concatenation, we can significantly reduce the amount of code needed to solve the FizzBuzz problem.

The output program replaces multiples of 3 with "Fizz", multiples of 5 with "Buzz", and multiples of both 3 and 5 with "FizzBuzz". All other numbers are simply printed as−is.


In conclusion, code golfing is a popular approach to programming that involves writing code that accomplishes a task in as few characters as possible. In Python, there are several techniques that can be used to reduce the size of code, such as using list comprehensions, lambda functions, and built−in functions like sum() and sorted(). While code golfing can be a fun and educational exercise, it's important to remember that code readability and maintainability should always be a priority when writing code for real−world applications. So, while it can be tempting to go for the shortest code possible, it's also important to keep the code clear and easy to understand for both yourself and others.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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