Check if it is possible to assign values such that all the given relations are satisfied

To check in the event that it is conceivable to dole out values such that all the given relations are fulfilled, we have to analyse the relations and decide on the off chance that they can be satisfied at the same time. This will be drawn closer by utilising limitation fulfilment methods. We look at each connection and its corresponding values. By methodically assessing the imperatives and endeavouring to dole out values that fulfil them, ready to decide in the event that a substantial task exists. In the event that we experience clashing limitations amid the method, showing an incomprehensible situation, we conclude that it isn't conceivable to allot values fulfilling all the given relations. Something else, a substantial task, can be found, showing that it is conceivable to fulfil the relationships at the same time.

Methods Used

  • Constraint satisfaction

  • Constraint propagation

Constraint Satisfaction

Constraint satisfaction refers to the method of deciding whether it is conceivable to allot values to factors in a way that fulfils a set of given imperatives. Within the setting of checking on the off chance that it is conceivable to dole out values such that all the given relations are fulfilled, we analyse the limitations that characterise the connections between factors. By efficiently investigating the space of conceivable values for each variable and checking in the event that the assigned values meet all the required relations, we are able to decide if a substantial task exists. Limitation fulfilment includes finding an arrangement that fulfils all imperatives or deciding that no such arrangement exists.


  • Characterise factors and their spaces − Recognise the factors included within the issue and decide their conceivable spaces or values.

  • Define imperatives  Decide the constraints or relations that ought to be fulfilled between the factors. Express these imperatives in terms of the factors and their values.

  • Initialise the task  Make an introduction of values to the factors. This task will be altered during the design process.

  • Search for a substantial assignment 

  • Return the result  In the event that a substantial task is found, return genuine to demonstrate that it is conceivable to allot values fulfilling all the given relations. Something else is wrong.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

// Define a structure for a relation between two variables
struct Relation {
   int variable1;
   int variable2;
   // Additional attributes as needed

// Function to check if the current assignment satisfies all relations
bool isAssignmentValid(const std::vector<int>& assignment, const std::vector<Relation>& relations) {
   for (const auto& rel : relations) {
      // Check if the assigned values satisfy the relation
      if (assignment[rel.variable1] != assignment[rel.variable2]) {
         return false; // Relation not satisfied
   return true; // All relations satisfied

// Recursive backtracking function to search for a valid assignment
bool backtrack(const std::vector<Relation>& relations, std::vector<int>& assignment, int variable) {
   if (variable >= assignment.size()) {
      // All variables have been assigned
      return isAssignmentValid(assignment, relations);

   // Try assigning values from the domain of the current variable
   for (int value = 1; value <= 10; ++value) {
      assignment[variable] = value;
      if (isAssignmentValid(assignment, relations) && backtrack(relations, assignment, variable + 1)) {
         return true; // Valid assignment found
      assignment[variable] = 0; // Backtrack

   return false; // No valid assignment found

bool checkRelationsSatisfaction(const std::vector<Relation>& relations, int numVariables) {
   std::vector<int> assignment(numVariables, 0); // Initialize assignment with zeros
   return backtrack(relations, assignment, 0);

int main() {
   // Example usage

   // Define the relations between variables
   std::vector<Relation> relations = {
      {0, 1},
      {1, 2},
      // Add more relations as needed

   int numVariables = 3; // Total number of variables

   // Check if there is a valid assignment satisfying the relations
   bool isSatisfied = checkRelationsSatisfaction(relations, numVariables);

   if (isSatisfied) {
      std::cout << "Valid assignment exists.\n";
   } else {
      std::cout << "No valid assignment exists.\n";

   return 0;


No valid assignment exists.

Constraint Propagation

Constraint propagation may be a strategy utilised to determine the possibility of allotting values to factors such that a set of given relations or imperatives is fulfilled. Within the setting of checking in the event that it is conceivable to relegate values fulfilling the given relations, imperative proliferation includes iteratively applying induction rules to diminish the space of conceivable values for each variable based on the imperatives. By implementing these imperatives and dispensing with contradictory values, we continuously limit the doable assignments until an arrangement is found or it is decided that no arrangement exists. This preparation makes a difference by optimising the look space and productively recognising substantial assignments that fulfil the given relationships.


  • Initialise the spaces of factors with all conceivable values.

  • Create a line to hold the factors included in the constraints.

  • Enqueue all factors first, including constraints.

  • While the line isn't purge, do the following steps:

  • a. Dequeue a variable from the queue.

  • b. Apply imperative engendering methods to diminish the space of the variable based on the given relations.

  • c. In the event that the space of the variable gets purged, backtrack to the past assignment.

  • d. In the event that the space of the variable changes, queue the factors influenced by this change.

  • If all factors have been assigned values and fulfil the given relations, return genuine (an arrangement is found).

  • If there are unassigned factors, select a variable and relegate it to its domain.

  • Recursively rehash steps 4 to 6.

  • If no arrangement is found, return false (it isn't conceivable to fulfil the given relationships).


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>

using namespace std;

// Structure to represent a constraint relation
struct Relation {
   int variable1;
   int variable2;
   // Additional fields or conditions as needed

// Function to check if the given relations can be satisfied
bool checkRelationsSatisfaction(vector<vector<int>>& domains, vector<Relation>& relations) {
   queue<int> variableQueue;

   // Enqueue initially involved variables in constraints
   for (auto& relation : relations) {

   while (!variableQueue.empty()) {
      int variable = variableQueue.front();

      // Apply constraint propagation to reduce the domain of the variable
      // based on the given relations. Implement your specific logic here.

      // If the domain of the variable becomes empty, backtrack
      if (domains[variable].empty()) {
         return false;

      // If the domain of the variable changes, enqueue the affected variables
      // based on the given relations. Implement your specific logic here.

   // Check if all variables have been assigned values and satisfy the relations
   // Implement your specific logic here.

   // Return true if all relations are satisfied, false otherwise
   return true;

int main() {
   // Example usage

   // Initialize the domains of variables with all possible values
   vector<vector<int>> domains = {
      {1, 2, 3},
      {4, 5, 6},
      {7, 8, 9}

   // Define the relations
   vector<Relation> relations = {
      {0, 1},
      {1, 2},
      // Additional relations as needed

   // Check if the relations can be satisfied
   bool isSatisfied = checkRelationsSatisfaction(domains, relations);

   // Output the result
   if (isSatisfied) {
      cout << "All relations can be satisfied." << endl;
   } else {
      cout << "It is not possible to satisfy all relations." << endl;

   return 0;


All relations can be satisfied.


This article gives a clarification of imperative engendering and imperative fulfilment within the context of checking to see if it is conceivable to dole out values that fulfil given relations. It diagrams the algorithmic approaches included and gives code cases in C. Limitation fulfilment includes deciding on the off chance that it is doable to dole out values to factors that meet the given limitations, whereas imperative proliferation iteratively applies rules to diminish the conceivable values based on the relations. The article illustrates how these strategies can be utilised to unravel the issue of fulfilling relations between factors, emphasising the significance of productive look space investigation and dispensing with conflicting assignments.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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