Build original array from the given sub-sequences

The assignment is to recreate the initial cluster from a set of given sub-sequences. This includes finding the order in which the components showed up within the unique cluster based on the given subsequences. By analysing the designs and connections between the components within the subsequences, the calculation decides the right arrangement of the components and recreates the first cluster. The remade cluster speaks to the introductory grouping from which the subsequences were inferred. This preparation permits us to recuperate the first cluster structure and data, empowering the investigation or control of the information.

Methods Used

  • DFS

  • Topological sorting


DFS (Depth-First Search) can be utilised to reproduce the first cluster from the given sub-sequences. In this setting, DFS includes recursively investigating the subsequences by beginning with the primary component and navigating through the consequent components. By keeping track of the gone-by elements and their appearance, DFS can recognise the proper arrangement of the components within the original cluster. By rehashing this preparation for each subsequence, DFS guarantees that all components are gone, and the ultimate arrangement of gone components speaks to the reproduced unique cluster from the given sub-sequences.


  • Make a purge list to store the reconstructed original array.

  • Create a purge set to track gone-by elements.

  • Perform the following steps for each subsequence:

  • a. Begin with the primary component within the subsequence.

  • b. On the off chance that the component has not been visited:

  • i. Check the component as visited.

  • ii. Add the component to the reconstructed array.

  • iii. Recursively apply DFS to ensuing components within the subsequence.

  • Return the remade unique cluster.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>

// Function 1: Check if an element exists in the purge set
bool checkInPurgeSet(const std::unordered_set<int>& purgeSet, int element) {
   return purgeSet.find(element) != purgeSet.end();

// Function 2: Add an element to the purge list and set
void addToPurge(std::vector<int>& purgeList, std::unordered_set<int>& purgeSet, int element) {

int main() {
   std::vector<int> purgeList;
   std::unordered_set<int> purgeSet;

   // Function 1: Check if an element exists in the purge set
   int element1 = 5;
   bool existsInPurgeSet = checkInPurgeSet(purgeSet, element1);
   std::cout << "Element " << element1 << " exists in purge set: " << existsInPurgeSet << std::endl;

   // Function 2: Add an element to the purge list and set
   int element2 = 7;
   addToPurge(purgeList, purgeSet, element2);

   std::cout << "Purge List: ";
   for (int i : purgeList) {
      std::cout << i << " ";

   return 0;


Element 5 exists in purge set: 0
Purge List: 7

Topological Sorting

Topological Sorting could be a graph-based calculation utilised to determine the straight order of components in a directed graph. Within the setting of building the first cluster from given sub-sequences, Topological Sorting makes a difference in distinguishing the right arrangement in which the components show up. By treating each component within the sub-sequences as a hub and building up edges based on their appearance, the calculation develops a coordinated chart. Performing Topological Sorting on this graph yields a straight arrangement that speaks to the remade unique cluster, empowering the recuperation of the introductory grouping based on the connections between the components within the sub-sequences.


  • Make a purge-coordinated graph.

  • Traverse through each sub-sequence:

  • a. For each component within the sub-sequence:

  • If the component isn't yet a hub within the chart, create an unused hub for it.

  • If there's a past component within the sub-sequence, include a coordinated edge from the past component to the current component within the graph.

  • Perform topological sorting on the chart to get a direct arrangement of the elements.

  • Initialise a purge stack and a gone-by set.

  • For each hub within the graph:

  • If the hub has not gone by, perform a depth-first look (DFS) on the node.

  • During the DFS, recursively visit adjoining hubs and include them in the stack.

  • Pop components from the stack to get a straight arrangement of the elements.

  • The coming arrangement speaks to the recreated unique array.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <algorithm>

// Structure to represent a component
struct Component {
   int id;
   std::vector<int> neighbors;

// Function to perform topological sorting
void topologicalSort(const std::vector<Component>& components, int current, std::vector<bool>& visited, std::stack<int>& sorted) {
   visited[current] = true;
   for (int neighbor : components[current].neighbors) {
      if (!visited[neighbor]) {
         topologicalSort(components, neighbor, visited, sorted);

// Function to generate the purge-coordinated graph
std::vector<int> generatePurgeCoordinatedGraph(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& subSequences) {
   std::vector<Component> graph;
   std::unordered_set<int> hubs;

   // Traverse each sub-sequence
   for (const auto& subSeq : subSequences) {
      int previous = -1;
      for (int component : subSeq) {
         if (hubs.find(component) == hubs.end()) {
            // Create an unused hub for the component
            graph.push_back({ component, {} });
         if (previous != -1) {
            // Include a coordinated edge from previous component to current component
         previous = component;

   // Perform topological sorting to get a direct arrangement of the elements
   std::stack<int> sorted;
   std::vector<bool> visited(graph.size(), false);
   for (int i = 0; i < graph.size(); ++i) {
      if (!visited[i]) {
         topologicalSort(graph, i, visited, sorted);

   // Get the direct arrangement of the elements
   std::vector<int> arrangement;
   while (!sorted.empty()) {

   return arrangement;

int main() {
   std::vector<std::vector<int>> subSequences = {
      { 1, 2, 3 },
      { 2, 4 },
      { 3, 5 },
      { 4 },
      { 5 },
      { 6 },
      { 6, 7 }

   std::vector<int> arrangement = generatePurgeCoordinatedGraph(subSequences);

   // Print the direct arrangement of elements
   for (int element : arrangement) {
      std::cout << element << " ";
   std::cout << std::endl;

   return 0;


6 7 1 2 4 3 5 0 


This article gives a clarification and execution of calculations to recreate the first cluster or clusters based on a set of given sub-sequences. The article talks about two strategies, DFS (Depth-First Look) and Topological Sorting, for accomplishing this errand. It diagrams the step-by-step methods and presents test code in C for each algorithm. These calculations offer assistance in distinguishing the right arrangement and associations between components inside the sub-sequences, empowering the diversion of the starting cluster structure and information. By understanding the fundamental standards and utilising these techniques, one can analyse or control the information inferred from the initial array.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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