Vaishnavi Tripathi has Published 24 Articles

Fibonomial coefficient and Fibonomial triangle

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 09-Feb-2024 17:14:59


In this article, we will discuss about a special type of number called fibonomial coefficient and how does a fibonomial triangle looks like. We will also discuss the C++ code approach to print a fibonomial triangle with a given height. Let us first discuss that what is a fibonomial coefficient. ... Read More

Factorial of each element in Fibonacci series

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 09-Feb-2024 16:31:32


In this article, we will discuss a simple program which calculates the factorial of all the numbers present in the Fibonacci series smaller than a given nums. Problem Statement We are given a number and our task is to generate the factorial of all the numbers present in the Fibonacci ... Read More

Code Solution to sword puzzle

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 09-Feb-2024 16:22:38


We will discuss two approaches to solve the sword puzzle. In the first approach, we will use circular linked list, while the second approach is based on general intuition. In this article, we will discuss what is a sword puzzle problem and how we can solve a sword puzzle problem. ... Read More

Value of k-th index of a series formed by append and insert MEX in middle

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:58:31


In this article, we will learn about Mex and will also generate the C++ code that returns the kth index of the series so formed by using append and MEX (>0) operations on the given sequence. The roadmap of the operations to be performed is given below − Start with ... Read More

Sum of series (n/1) + (n/2) + (n/3) + (n/4) +……. + (n/n)

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:57:51


This this article, we will discuss the different approaches to calculate the sum of the given series. Problem Statement We are given a number and our task is to calculate the sum of the series Σ (n / i) for I =0 to i=n. We are given any given value ... Read More

Stable sort for descending order

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:55:41


In this article, we will discuss what is meant by stable sorting and how can we sort an array in descending order keeping in mind that the sorting algorithm should be stable. Let us first discuss about what are the features of a stable sort algorithm − A sorting algorithm ... Read More

Ropes left after every removal of smallest rope

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:49:33


In this article, we will discuss two approaches to solve the problem - Ropes left after every removal of smallest rope. Problem Statement We are given an array of elements where array [i] denotes the length of the ith rope in the array. Our task is to cut a length ... Read More

Minimum sum of multiplications of n numbers

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:46:23


In this article, we will discuss two approaches to generate the desired sum. Both the approaches are dynamic programming-based approaches. In the first approach, we will memorization for dynamic programming and then we will apply the same approach for tabulation in order to avoid the use of extra stack space ... Read More

Minimum number of subtract operation to make an array decreasing

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:44:55


In this article, we will work upon sorting an array in decreasing order by applying some subtraction operations on it. Problem Statement We are given an array containing a series of n numbers from array[0], array[1], . . . . , array[ n-1 ]. We are also given an integer ... Read More

Maximum in array which is at-least twice of other elements

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Vaishnavi Tripathi

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 11:42:11


In this article, we will discuss different approaches to point out the greatest element in the array which is at least twice of all the other elements in the same array. Problem Statement An array of n different elements is given to us, we have to find out the maximum ... Read More
