Prateek Jangid has Published 190 Articles

Find the Number of Ways to Traverse an N-ary Tree using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 09:30:15


Given an N-ary tree and we are tasked to find the total number of ways to traverse this tree, for example −For the above tree, our output will be 192.For this problem, we need to have some knowledge about combinatorics. Now in this problem, we simply need to check all ... Read More

Find the Number of Ways to Pair People using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 09:20:11


To solve a problem in which n − the number of people now each person can either be single or be present in a pair, so we need to find the total number of ways these people can be paired up.Input : 3 Output: 4 Explanation : [ ... Read More

C++ Program to find the Number of Visible Boxes After Putting One Inside Another

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:59:59


To solve a problem in which we are given an array containing the size of the boxes. Now we are given a condition that we can fit a smaller box inside a bigger box if the bigger box is at least twice the size of the smaller box. Now we ... Read More

Find the Number of Subarrays with Odd Sum using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 05:52:19


Subarrays are the contiguous part of an array. For example, we consider an array [5, 6, 7, 8], then there are ten non-empty subarrays like (5), (6), (7), (8), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (5, 6, 7), (6, 7, 8) and (5, 6, 7, 8).In this guide, we will ... Read More

Find the Number Of Subarrays Having Sum in a Given Range using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 05:48:46


In this article, we will solve the number of subarrays having sum in a given range using the C++ program. We have an array arr[] of positive integers, and a range {L, R} and we have to calculate the total number of subarrays having sum in the given range form ... Read More

Find the Number of Subarrays with m Odd Numbers using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 05:45:28


If you have ever used C ++, you must know what subarrays are and how useful they are. As we know that, in C++, we can solve multiple mathematical problems easily. So in this article, we will explain the complete information on how we can find M odd numbers with ... Read More

Find the Number of Subarrays whose Minimum and Maximum are Same using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 05:37:46


In this article, we will solve the problem of finding the number of subarrays whose maximum and minimum elements are the same using C++. Here is the example for the problem −Input : array = { 2, 3, 6, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4 } Output : 12 Explanation : ... Read More

Find the Number of subarrays having sum of the form k^m, m >= 0 using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 25-Nov-2021 05:32:32


In this article, we will explain everything about solving the number of subarrays having the sum of the form k^m, m >= 0 in C++. Given an array arr[] and an integer K, we need to find the number of subarrays having sum in the form of K^m where m ... Read More

Find the Number of subarrays having sum less than K using C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 24-Nov-2021 12:39:29


In this article, we will find out the number of subarrays having a sum less than K using C++. In this problem, we have an array arr[] and an integer K. So now we have to find subarrays that have a sum less than K. Here is the example −Input ... Read More

Find the Number Of Subarrays Having Sum in a Given Range in C++

Prateek Jangid

Prateek Jangid

Updated on 24-Nov-2021 12:35:40


In this article, we will solve the number of subarrays having sum in a given range using the C++ program. We have an array arr[] of positive integers, and a range {L, R} and we have to calculate the total number of subarrays having sum in the given range form ... Read More
