Potti Chandra Sekhar sai has Published 40 Articles

Haskell Program To Check Whether The Input Number Is A Palindrome

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 15-Dec-2022 11:42:10


This tutorial discusses writing a program to check whether the input number is a Palindrome number in the Haskell programming language. A number can be called as a palindrome when it results in the same number when the digits are reversed. For Example, the number 12321 is a palindrome, because ... Read More

Haskell Program to print Hello World!

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 15-Dec-2022 11:40:23

1K+ Views

This tutorial will discuss writing a program to print Hello World! in Haskell Programming Language. The Computations in Haskell are done using mathematical functions. In this tutorial, We will discuss different ways to print Hello World! in Haskell. Program to print Hello World! Using the “print” function. Program to ... Read More

Haskell Program To Check Whether The Input String Is A Palindrome

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 15-Dec-2022 11:39:09


This tutorial discusses writing a program to check whether the input string is a palindrome in the Haskell programming language. A string is said to be a palindrome when it results in an exact string after reversing it. For example, the string “level” is a palindrome because it results in ... Read More

Haskell Program To Find The Factorial Of A Positive Number

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 15-Dec-2022 11:36:27


This tutorial discusses writing a program to find the factorial of a positive number in the Haskell programming language. In this tutorial, we see Program to find the factorial of a positive number using a recursive function. Program to find the factorial of a positive number using an inbuilt ... Read More

Haskell program to convert a decimal number into a binary number

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 15-Dec-2022 11:33:48


This tutorial discusses writing a program to convert a decimal number into a binary number in the Haskell programming language. Haskell is a Declarative, Strongly Typed, and Functional programming Language. The computations in Haskell are mathematical functions. In a Decimal number system, each number is denoted with numbers ranging from ... Read More

Haskell Program to Display Fibonacci Series

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 14-Dec-2022 13:56:06

2K+ Views

This tutorial discusses writing a program to display Fibonacci Series in the Haskell programming language. The Fibonacci series is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the preceding two terms. The Fibonacci series up to five terms is 0 1 1 2 3. In this tutorial we ... Read More

Haskell program to check whether the input number is a Prime number

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 14-Dec-2022 12:21:57


This tutorial discusses writing a program to check whether the input number is a Prime number in the Haskell programming language. Haskell is a Declarative, Strongly Typed, and Functional programming Language. The computations in Haskell are mathematical functions. A prime number is a number having only 1 and the number ... Read More

Haskell Program to Print the Multiplication Table in Triangular Form

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 14-Dec-2022 12:20:00


This tutorial discusses writing a program to print the multiplication table in the triangular form in the Haskell programming language. For example, the multiplication table for the number 10 in the triangular format is 1 2 4 3 6 9 4 8 12 16 5 10 15 20 25 6 ... Read More

Haskell Program to Swap Two Numbers

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 14-Dec-2022 12:13:51


This tutorial discusses writing a program to swap two numbers in the Haskell programming language. Variables are immutable in Haskell i.e once declared their values cannot be changed. So we cannot swap the values of two variables, but we can mimic this by swapping values in a list and tuple. ... Read More

Haskell Program to determine the name and version of the operating system

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Potti Chandra Sekhar sai

Updated on 14-Dec-2022 12:10:33


This tutorial discusses writing a program to find the operating system info in the Haskell programming language. Haskell provides functions to find the system info. These functions can be accessed by importing the Info module from the System package in Haskell. In this tutorial, we see Program to display ... Read More
