SAP Expert has Published 132 Articles

Defining Workbench save interval in SAP HANA Studio

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:14:08


This can be defined in Preferences under Window tab −When you open Preferences, you have to set this value in General tab.

Altering a database view in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:04:34


You can alter the view, then we can use the Alter View command to alter the view.ExampleAlter view View_EmpInfo  as Select Emp_Details.Id, Emp_Details.EmplName, EmpProj.Projname from Emp_Details inner join EmpProjInfo on Emp_Details.Id=EmpProjInfo.Id;We have applied ALTER command to update an existing view with name- View_EmpInfo which is applying Inner Join on two ... Read More

Dropping a SAP HANA database view

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:03:55


You can drop a view using Drop command like we drop a table. You can perform all the operations that you perform on a table on the database view.Drop view "AA_HANA11"."DEMO_TEST";

Different options under SAP HANA System Administration

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:32:04


Following tabs are available under SAP HANA Administration Console −OverviewLandscapeAlertsPerformanceVolumesConfigurationSystem InformationDiagnosis FilesTrace Configuration

Different Audit trial targets in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:24:55


In SAP HANA system, following audit trail targets are possible −Syslog (default) − Logging system of Linux Operating System.Database Table − Internal database table, user who has Audit admin or Audit operator system privilege he can only run select operation on this table.CSV text − This type of audit trail ... Read More

Different Audit level in an audit policy in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:23:15


In an Audit policy, you can define different audit levels in SAP HANA −EMERGENCYCRITICALALERTWARNINGINFO

Setting validity of a user in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:20:04


At the time of user creation, you have an option to pass Valid From and Valid Until date.

Disabling JDBC/ODBC access to SAP HANA system for a new user

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:19:26


When you create a new user, you need to select checkbox- Disable ODBC/JDBC access −

Creating a Restricted user in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:17:52


You can create a restricted user by navigating to Security tab → UsersWhen you select New Restricted User option, it will open New user creation window, and you have to pass the details as requested.

Reporting on top of SAP HANA Modeling objects

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:14:35


SAP HANA Data Modeling feature allows you to create complex BI reports in real time and it can be easily integrated with different BI tools- Business Objects, Crystal Report, SAP Lumira and non-SAP tools like Microsoft Excel with use of MDX client as shown below.

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