Attributes and its types in Data Analytics


Data analytics is the process of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that information. It is a crucial aspect of modern business and is used to improve decision-making, identify trends, and optimize processes.

One important aspect of data analytics is the concept of attributes. Attributes are characteristics or features of a dataset that describe the data. They are also known as variables or columns. In this article, we will explore the different types of attributes and their role in data analytics.

Types of Attributes

There are several types of attributes that are commonly used in data analytics. These include −

Numeric attributes − These are attributes that represent quantitative data, such as numbers. There are two main types of numeric attributes: continuous and discrete.

  • Continuous attributes are attributes that can take on any value within a certain range. For example, a person's height can be measured in inches and is therefore a continuous attribute.

  • Discrete attributes are attributes that can only take on specific values within a certain range. For example, a person's age is a discrete attribute because it can only be a whole number.

Categorical Attributes − These are attributes that represent data that can be divided into categories or groups. There are two main types of categorical attributes: nominal and ordinal.

  • Nominal attributes are attributes that do not have any inherent order or ranking. For example, a person's eye color is a nominal attribute because there is no inherent ranking of eye colors (e.g., blue is not "better" than brown).

  • Ordinal attributes are attributes that have a specific order or ranking. For example, a person's level of education (e.g., high school, college, graduate school) is an ordinal attribute because there is a specific order to the levels of education.

Binary attributes − These are attributes that can only take on two values, such as true or false, or 0 and 1. Binary attributes are often used in data analytics to represent a yes/no or on/off type of situation.


To better understand the different types of attributes, let's look at some examples.

Numeric Attributes −

  • The amount of money a person earns in a year is a continuous numeric attribute because it can take on any value within a certain range (e.g., $20,000 to $100,000).

  • The number of children a person has is a discrete numeric attribute because it can only take on specific values (e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.).

Categorical Attributes −

  • A person's gender is a nominal categorical attribute because there is no inherent ranking of genders (e.g., male is not "better" than female).

  • A person's job title is an ordinal categorical attribute because there is a specific hierarchy to job titles (e.g., an intern is lower in the hierarchy than a manager).

Binary Attributes −

  • Whether or not a person owns a house is a binary attribute because it can only take on two values (e.g., owning a house or does not own a house).

  • Whether or not a person has a college degree is a binary attribute because it can only take on two values (e.g., has a degree or does not have a degree).


Here are some code examples that demonstrate the concepts discussed above. −

Example of numeric attributes in Python −

# continuous numeric attribute height = 72.5 # in inches # discrete numeric attribute age = 30 # in years

Example of categorical attributes in Python −

# nominal categorical attribute eye_color = "brown" # ordinal categorical attribute education_level = "college" # possible values: "high school", "college", "graduate school"

Example of binary attributes in Python −

# binary attribute owns_house = True # possible values: True or False # binary attribute has_degree = False # possible values: True or False

Example of data visualization using attributes in Python (using the Matplotlib library) −

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # assume we have a list of employee objects with attributes "salary" and "job_title" employees = [employee1, employee2, employee3, ...] # create a list of salaries and a list of job titles salaries = [employee.salary for employee in employees] job_titles = [employee.job_title for employee in employees] # create a bar chart showing the average salary for each job title, salaries) plt.xlabel("Job Title") plt.ylabel("Average Salary") plt.title("Salary by Job Title")

Importance of Attributes in Data Analytics

Attributes are an essential part of data analytics because they help to describe and classify the data. By understanding the different types of attributes, analysts can better understand the data they are working with and draw more accurate conclusions.

For example, consider a dataset containing information about employees at a company. The dataset might include attributes such as employee name, employee ID, job title, and salary. By analyzing these attributes, the company might be able to identify trends such as which job titles tend to have higher salaries or which employees have been with the company the longest.

Attributes can also be used to create models for prediction. For example, a company might use attributes such as a person's education level, work experience, and salary history to create a model for predicting the salary of a new hire.

In addition to their role in describing and classifying data, attributes are also important for data visualization. By organizing data according to specific attributes, analysts can create charts and graphs that help to illustrate trends and patterns in the data.


In conclusion, attributes are characteristics or features of a dataset that describe the data. They are an essential part of data analytics and are used to improve decision-making, identify trends, and optimize processes. There are several types of attributes, including numeric, categorical, and binary. By understanding the different types of attributes and how they can be used, analysts can more effectively analyze and interpret data.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023

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