Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Gardens, Tombs and Forts During the Mughals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:53:03


Introduction More than three centuries, the Mughal line ruled over the Indian subcontinent. Along with changing planting rehearses, they adjusted the nearby culture and abandoned persevering through inheritances. The expression "Mughal gardens" portrays a specific planting stylish that the Mughals presented subsequent to taking on Persian engineering plan. The Persian nurseries, especially the charbagh (4sq) structure and rectilinear formats inside walled nooks, affected the plan. Long pools, waterways, and wellsprings joined with other nursery components are the unmistakable highlights. From the origin of the Mughal Empire, making delightful nurseries was a famous action. Gardens, Tombs, and Forts Architecture underwent a ... Read More

French Society in the 18th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:49:40

3K+ Views

Introduction The French Revolution of 1789 was a decisive event in modern -west European history. This revolution continued for almost 10 years and brought a dramatic change in the social and political structure of France during the eighteenth century. This revolution not only brought changes in France but also in other parts of the world. After the revolution in France other European countries also started to revolutionize their sociopolitical structures. The French Revolution had universal significance with the end of Feudalism in most European countries. There were several reasons for the outbreak of the revolution but the division of society ... Read More

French Revolution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:45:46


Introduction The late 18th century in France was a period of turmoil and hardship, people were continuously protesting against the current monarch Louis XVI. There was a growing dissatisfaction among the peasants and working class. People pour into the streets against the monarch which turned violent in the morning of 14th July 1789, when a rumour started that the king had ordered the army to open fire on protestors. Approx. 7000 people decided to form a militia and they started breaking government buildings and destroying them, a group of protestors marched and stormed the state fortress prison, the Bastille, looking ... Read More

France Becomes a Republic

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:40:07

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Introduction The political structure of France transformed in an aftermath of the French Revolution, from an absolute monarchy to a democratic republic. This republican phase of France witnessed the fall of the monarchy, the formation of the National Assembly, the Reign of terror, and Directory rule. France became the first republic in September 1792. This First republic continued till the coming of the First Empire or Napoleonic France in May 1804 under Napoleon Bonaparte. There were five republics in France after the declaration of the revolution, from 1792 to the present day. The emergence of France as a republic had ... Read More

Ashoka’s War in Kalinga

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:33:55

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Introduction The Kalinga War is marked in history as the most devastating war ever fought. It was fought by none other than emperor Ashoka who was the most significant ruler of the Mauryan dynasty. He was the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya and the son of Bindusara of the Mauryan Empire. The Mauryan empire took control over all of India except the Kalinga region. Kalinga state was ruled by the feudal Nanda Empire. It was located on the eastern side of India’s coastal area. After many failed attempts when emperor Ashoka became the King of Magadha, he went into a war ... Read More

Ashoka’s Inscription Describing The Kalinga War

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:27:17


Introduction Ashoka the great was the third ruler of the Mauryan empire. His edicts were mainly about the reforms, he had taken after the Kalinga war and the recommendation of moral principles in order to create a humane and peaceful society. The practice of engraving royal proclamations on rocks was one of the important features of Ashoka’s reign. His inscriptions are mainly written in the Prakrit language and Brahmi script, a language and script of common people. Some of the inscriptions are also in the Kharoshti script as well a few inscriptions are in Greek and Aramaic. Ashoka’s inscriptions comprised ... Read More

Ashoka (A Unique Ruler)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 15:10:58


Introduction Ashoka was born in 304 BC, he was the son of Mauryan emperor Bindusara and his mother was Subhadrangi. From an early age, he was a great fighter and highly educated in court. Even though he was not the successor of the king yet he was liked by the ministers. At the age of 18, he was sent to Taxila to curb a revolt and maintain law and order in the city. He completed his task swiftly and brought peace to Taxila. After successfully curbing the revolt, he was assigned the Governorship of Ujjain, a commercial city. When ... Read More

Akbarnama and Ain-i-Akbari

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:44:26

2K+ Views

Introduction The third volume of Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari, contains information about the government of Akbar, including its various departments, ranks, etc. The histories written in India during the Muslim era were all chronicles that primarily followed the chronological order of the events they described. Rarely are the common people mentioned unless there are famines or other natural disasters with significant death tolls. However, the Ain-i-Akbari is a book with a distinct nature. In this book, individuals involved in various industries and professions are described alongside imperial institutions, lords, and grandees of the empire. Who Wrote Akbar Nama and Ain-i-Akbari? Abu'l-Fuzle Ibn ... Read More

Age of Social Change in Europe

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:30:04


Introduction The French Revolution ignited the need for change in the society of other European countries with the ideas of liberty, equality, and democratic rights. The circulation of these ideas all over Europe created hope for people of other countries to raise their voices against the tyrannical, autocratic rulers and inspired them to start nationalist movements in their countries for changing the social structure. But the ideas of social changes varied across European countries, some wanted transformation of the society at a slow pace whereas others wanted to change the social structure radically. These variations in the approach of the ... Read More

Administration in France after the Revolution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:24:58


Introduction The French revolution brought about many changes in the administrative and social structure along with the end of Feudalism in France. In the early 1790s during the course of the Revolution, the despotic rule of the monarchy came to an end in France. And the concept of constitutional monarchy came into being, where the power of the king was restricted through the check by the constitution. With the recognition of the National Assembly, the power was distributed between the legislative, executive, and judiciary. And the National Assembly also restructured the administration of the local government. Ultimately, by the end ... Read More
