Found 12 Articles for Real Estate

Difference between a Real Estate Agent and a Realtor

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 08-Jul-2022 12:03:01


IntroductionIn its most literal sense, land refers to land or structures. A true estate business deals with acquiring, selling, or renting land. Property, land, buildings, air rights on top of the land, and subterraneous rights below the land are all land samples.The real estate sector has been around since the late 1800s. Land development and promotion have been practiced in Europe since the Middle Ages, and it has been dropped on us by European colonists.The acquisition, evaluation, marketing, selling, leasing, and administration of business, industrial, residential, and agricultural properties are all enclosed within the land sector.Given the fact that people ... Read More

Real Estate Technology Trends in 2017

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:22:13


Technology is pervading into all aspects of real estate, making its functioning easier and quicker. And with the rising need to manage client demands, converting leads into sales, along with the requirement for broad property research, it is becoming all the more imperative to make use of multifaceted technologies that aid in causing consequential changes in the real estate business.Over the last few years, along with the emergence of new technologies, the existing ones have also witnessed a turnaround with added features to support the increasing requirements. These include a larger usage of precast construction, building information modeling process offering ... Read More
