Found 12 Articles for Quantum physics


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Relativity is a notion that gives a statement that physics are the same everywhere. This theory is mainly related to time, space, and their relativity. Relativity is mainly defined that it is a state or quality of being relative. Relativity is a state of being dependent on the purpose of existence. This theory is related to gravity and the name of this theory mainly comes from the relativity of motion. What is Relativity? It is a theory proposed by Einstein that describes the dependence of different physical phenomena on the observer’s relative motion. The observer reflects the behaviours ... Read More

Casimir Effect

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction In 1948, two scientists named Casimir and Polder made the following observation: If two uncharged, perfectly conducting plates are placed very close together, they will experience a small attractive force between them. This force became known as the Casimir effect or Casimir force, and it was one of the first demonstrations of zero-point energy ever recorded. The Casimir Effect The most common explanation for the Casimir effect is to say that quantum fluctuations cause energy density fluctuations in an otherwise flat space-time, which causes attraction between particles. But if you think about those kinds of fluctuations, they’re so minuscule ... Read More
