Found 3 Articles for Matter in Our Surroundings

Intensive and Extensive Properties of Matter

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 11:24:24


Introduction The matter is everything that surrounds us and engrosses space. It has different properties. These properties are defined as intensive and extensive properties of matter, in 1917 these terms were first used by the scientist Richard C. Tolman. Intensive properties do not depend upon the quantity of matter. Extensive properties rely on the quantity of the matter. Example: Milk filled in a glass or milk filled in a jug. The extensive properties like (mass, and volume) of milk vary for both the glass and jug while the intensive properties (temperature) remain the same. What are the Intensive Properties ... Read More

Difference between Ideal Gas and Real Gas

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:53:42


Introduction An ideal gas is nothing but a theoretical(exists only in theory) gas because, in reality, it is not possible to have an ideal kind of gas. An ideal gas is formed of large numbers of randomly(in any direction) rotating point-like particles that are not subjected to interaction with one another. This ideal gas (theoretical gas)concept or idea is useful or important because it completely follows the ideal gas law(or ideal gas equation). A real gas is a non-ideal gas and here the molecules occupy the desired space and also interact with one another and they do not obey the ... Read More

Evaporation Causes Cooling

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 18:04:33


Introduction Evaporation causes cooling which is based on evaporation of a liquid from any surface leaving a cooling effect. The degree of cooling effect are left by the evaporating liquid can vary based on the liquid. It is exemplified by evaporating alcohol or water that leaves a cooling effect on the surface. The variation in degree of cooling is also very clear between alcohol and water. Where, alcohol has a higher degree of evaporation of cooling effect than water. This variation depends on the nature of molecules of the liquid. What is Evaporation? A very common definition for evaporation ... Read More
