Found 412 Articles for Geography

Geography of Arctic Region

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 13:31:57


The northernmost part of the planet is called the Arctic. A large portion of the water in the Arctic is frozen. Glaciers and icebergs are examples of frozen freshwater phenomena. In actuality, 20% of the freshwater on Earth's surface is contained in the glaciers and icebergs of the Arctic. However, the majority of the Arctic is made up of the Arctic Ocean basin's liquid saltwater. Some areas of the ocean's surface are always or mostly frozen. Physical Features The primary physiographic divisions show a close correlation with geologic structure, despite the fact that the Pleistocene glaciations are ... Read More

Arctic Ocean: Location and Geography

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 13:33:01


The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean in the planet and revolves roughly around the North Pole. Due to their isolation, unfavourable climate, and permanent or cyclical ice cover, the Arctic Ocean and its marginal seas—the Chukchi, East Siberian, Laptev, Kara, Barents, White, Greenland, and Beaufort—are the least well-known basins and bodies of water in the world ocean. This is changing, though, as the Arctic may show a strong response to climate change and may be able to start dramatic climatic changes by altering the ocean's thermohaline circulation due to its cold, southward-moving currents or by altering the ... Read More

Geography of Antarctica

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 10:18:56


The majority of the Antarctic region is made up of the continent of Antarctica. The Antarctic Convergence encompasses the Antarctic, a chilly, inaccessible region of the Southern Hemisphere. The icy, northward-flowing Antarctic waters and the warmer waters of the world's oceans meet at the Antarctic Convergence, an irregular line of latitude. The Southern Hemisphere is around 20% covered by the Antarctic. In terms of overall area, Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent. (It is bigger than Oceania and Europe combined.) The absence of a native human population makes Antarctica a special continent. Antarctica is a continent without nations. Physical ... Read More

Major Biodiversity Hotspots in South America

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:37:34


South American biodiversity hotspots are renowned for their extraordinary biological diversity, which makes them essential for international conservation efforts. These hotspots are vital to both local people and the health of the world as a whole because of their distinct ecosystems and rare species, which help to maintain the planet's biodiversity. To guarantee the long-term survival of countless species and the sustainability of our natural heritage, it is crucial to protect and preserve these hotspots. The main biodiversity hotspots in South America are areas with exceptionally high species richness and ecological significance. These regions are essential for the ... Read More

Major Biodiversity Hotspots in Europe

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:43:10


Major biodiversity hotspots in Europe are areas with high levels of species variety and endemism that are also of substantial ecological relevance. Due to habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and unsustainable activities, these hotspots, which include the Mediterranean Basin, Iberian Peninsula, Alps, Carpathian Mountains, Caucasus, Baltic Sea, and Danube River Basin, confront a variety of conservation issues. For the sake of preserving Europe's unique biodiversity and advancing sustainable development, these places must be protected and managed. Features of Major Biodiversity Hotspots in Europe The preservation of distinct ecosystems, endemic species, and significant biological processes is essential in ... Read More

Major Biodiversity Hotspots in Canada

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:45:02


Many important biodiversity hotspots can be found in Canada, which is known for its large and diverse ecosystems. These ecologically significant hotspots are home to a variety of unique plant and animal species. These hotspots highlight the nation's extensive natural heritage, stretching from the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia to the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec and from the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador to the Okanagan-Similkameen region in British Columbia. Old-growth forests, marshes, grasslands, and coastal regions are just a few examples of the distinctive habitats that define each hotspot. Features of Major Biodiversity Hotspots in ... Read More

Deserts in Europe

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:46:11


Although Europe does have several notable arid and semi-arid regions, it is not well renowned for its huge desert landscapes. These desert-like regions offer distinctive ecosystems and vistas that contrast with the continent's typically lush forests and undulating hills. Europe's deserts, which range from the stony Tabernas Desert in Spain to the sand dunes in the Netherlands, offer chances for exploration and enjoyment of the continent's many natural landscapes. Features of Deserts of Europe Here are the descriptions about deserts of Europe − Tabernas Tabernas is located in Almería, Spain, and is known as the only desert in ... Read More

Major Forest of South America

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:47:12


The great forests of South America are well-known for their exceptional biodiversity, distinctive ecosystems, and critical contribution to preserving the ecological balance of the planet. In addition to being abundant in flora and wildlife, some forests, including the Amazon Rainforest, Atlantic Forest, and Gran Chaco, also offer crucial ecosystem services. These forests are essential for regulating the climate, sequestering carbon, and preserving a variety of endemic species because of their size and biological value. They are urgently in need of preservation and effective management, but they are seriously threatened by deforestation, habitat degradation, and unsustainable practices. Features of ... Read More

Major Deserts of Oceania

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:48:22


The world of Oceania's scorching deserts is captivating. The Great Sandy, Gibson, Simpson, Strzelecki, Great Victoria, Tirari, Rangipo, and Tanami deserts are all encountered on the voyage. With their towering dunes, saline lakes, and limited vegetation, these extraordinary locations display the unadulterated splendour of nature. Explore the rich cultural and biological significance of these desert landscapes as well as the various species that has adapted to flourish in these harsh surroundings. Features of Major Deserts of Oceania Here are descriptions about major hot deserts of Oceania − Great Sandy Desert The Great Sandy Desert is an intermediate ... Read More

Major Dams of South America

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 10:49:22


South America's major dams are an essential part of the region's energy infrastructure. These amazing engineering achievements use the energy of rivers to produce electricity, supplying the expanding energy need and encouraging sustainable development. These dams, which range in size from the renowned Itaipu Dam on the Brazil/Paraguay border to the ambitious Belo Monte Dam in Brazil, have emerged as significant sources of clean and renewable energy, fostered economic development and supplied electricity to communities throughout South America. Features of Major Dams of South America Here's an explanation of the Major Dams of South America − Itaipu Dam ... Read More

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