Found 22 Articles for Exercises

How to Get Started with Resistance Band Workouts

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 22:49:46


Fitness freakers are always in search for the best fitness accessories to add in their daily routine. Among various accessories, resistant band seems to be an excellent addition to the daily physical activity. If you are interested in strength training exercises, resistant bands will be a great addition your exercise kits. However, many are not aware of the exact use of these bands. As per the ISSA or the International Sports Science Association suggest that practitioners should use these bands for 30 minutes in twice a week. This rule applied to those who are going to use resistant ... Read More

7 Workout Supplements. Do They Boost Performance?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 22:47:56


Many people are willing to pay for a better workout. If you're not one of these people, it might be time to think about the fitness and health benefits of starting up a four-day-a-week workout regimen that didn't cost you a dime. So, whether you're tight on cash or want to sweat without blowing your budget, check out these seven supplements that help boost performance. 'Supplements' may sound like an oxymoron when talking about getting fit. Still, some science backed up by athletes suggests there is truth in the hype: supplements like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Creatine Monohydrate, and Magnesium ... Read More
