Found 1948 Articles for Differences

Difference Between Scareware and Malware

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:00:21


Malicious software such as scareware and malware are created to break into or harm a computer system against the owner's authorization or knowledge. Those who work in the computer industry use the term to describe intrusive, violent, or unfriendly computer programming. We'll look at the differences between malware and scareware in this article and how to avoid getting infected with them and get rid of them after you have them. Scareware: What Is It? Scareware is malicious software that deceives users into installing it. Once launched or activated, the malware exposes data, deletes files, steals money, or does some other ... Read More

Difference between <datalist> and <select> tags in HTML

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 27-Sep-2023 13:42:46


Both the and tags are typically used when selecting an item from a list. However, the key distinction between the two is that the tag allows the user to add their own input as an option with the use of the element, but the tag does not offer this functionality. Let's dive into the article to get a better understanding of the difference between the and tags in HTML. HTML tag This tag specifies the predefined options for a element. Additionally, the HTML element receives the autocomplete feature from this ... Read More

Difference Between Training and Testing Data

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 22-Sep-2023 12:55:56

3K+ Views

Introduction In Machine Learning, a good model is generated if we have a good representation and amount of data. Data may be divided into different sets that serve a different purposes while training a model. Two very useful and common sets of data are the training and testing set. The training set is the part of the original dataset used to train the model and find a good fit. Testing data is part of the original data used to validate the model train and analyze the metrics calculated. In this article lets us explore training and testing data sets in ... Read More

Difference between Reluctance Motor and Induction Motor

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 15:04:20


Electric motors are present in the industry to help us to drive a lot of numbers of mechanical loads in the industry. They have a moving and stationary part to interact with the magnetic field and current to transform electric energy into mechanical energy. They have dominated the industry from automobiles to robotics and household to industrial applications. In this tutorial, we will explore the important differences between a reluctance motor and an induction motor. The most fundamental difference between a reluctance motor and an induction motor is that a reluctance motor operates on the principle of magnetic reluctance while ... Read More

Difference between inv() and pinv() functions in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 15:02:14


In this tutorial, we will discuss two important functions namely, "inv()" and "pinv()", used for matrix inversion in MATLAB. Since, the fundamental purpose of both the functions is the same, i.e. matrix inversion, but they are different from each other in many aspects. Hence, we will learn the important differences between 'inv()' and 'pinv()' functions. What is 'inv()' Function? In MATLAB, the 'inv()' function is a built-in function used to calculate the inverse of a non-singular square matrix. Therefore, if 'M' is a non-singular square matrix, then the function 'inv(M)' will return a new matrix 'B' for which 'I = ... Read More

Difference between Convolution and Correlation in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 14:58:54

1K+ Views

In mathematics, there are two operations namely, convolution and correlation used to manipulate two functions to produce a third function. Both operations play a vital role in various fields such as digital signal processing, digital image analysis processing, solving complex mathematical problems and many more. Convolution and correlation are also used to extract information and patterns in the field of data science. However, there are various significant differences between convolution and correlation. The most fundamental difference between convolution and correlation is that convolution is a mathematical operation used to combine two functions to produce a new function, while correlation is ... Read More

Difference between RGB vs RGBA color format

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:33:17


In HTML, the RGB i.e. (red, green, and blue) specifies the shades or intensity of the color with a value between 0 and 255. The RGB color model has a total of 256 x 256 x 256 = 16777216 possible colors. By adjusting the RGB values we can come up with different shades of colors, following are a few examples − Let’s say we want a “black” color, set all the parameters as, rgb(0, 0, 0). If we want to display a “white” color, set all the parameters as, rgb(255, 255, 255). If we set the parameters as rgb(255, ... Read More

Difference between normal links and active links

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:31:48


The hyperlinks, which are also known as links, are crucial components in websites nowadays. These are clickable and can be used to navigate between source webpage to different pages or the sections in the same webpage. In most of the websites, the links will appear as underlined and differently colored. Links are categorized into the following types − Unvisited Links Visited Links Active Links Let’s discuss about the links mentioned above with suitable examples further in this article. Unvisited Links In HTML, an unvisited link is a hyperlink that is not yet clicked by the user. By default, ... Read More

Difference between link and anchor Tags

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:23:46

2K+ Views

While developing a website, we may come across a situation where we need to create a hyperlink to another webpage or to a certain part of the webpage (these links are clickable). Additionally, there can be a situation where we need to add stylings to the content present in the website using external CSS (these are not clickable). These behaviors are achieved by using the HTML and anchor tags. HTML tag In HTML, the tag is used to link the external resources, such as CSS style sheets, or to add a favicon (small image displayed next ... Read More

Difference between “blank” and “_blank” target attributes in HTML

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:19:19


Sometimes, we may have noticed links on webpages that leads us to a different webpage. In some websites, if we click on that certain links, they will open in a new browser tab or on a new window and some websites reuse one new browser tab for subsequent clicks on the link. Additionally, some websites use the same original page for the links. These behaviors are achieved by utilizing the HTML target attribute. In this article, we will explore how to use the target="blank" and target="_blank" attributes to open hyperlinks in new tabs. The Target Attribute The target is an ... Read More
