Found 28 Articles for Difference Between Articles

Difference between Species, Population, and Community

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 10:41:04

1K+ Views

Introduction The living organisms in a given specific geographical area live together with other organisms and interact among themselves as well as with the environmental factors. The organisms are extremely diverse and range from single cellular entities to highly complex multicellular organisms. They interact irrespective of their dissimilarities for the benefit of each other and continue their propagation in the specified environmental conditions. Abiotic factors like temperature, humidity, sunlight, and nutrient availability influence the survival of living organisms. Changes in the quality or quantity of the abiotic or biotic components can influence the living of other organisms. The ecosystems ... Read More

Difference Between Sleep and Hibernation

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 10:37:56


Introduction The minute we think about the concept of hibernation, we think about a bear in a deep sleep phase. The general consensus is that the two phenomena, i.e., sleep and hibernation, are very similar and co-related to each other, which is an inaccurate fact. Sleep and hibernation not only differ from each other on a physiological level but are also very different chemically and biologically. Sleep Sleep is a vital life process for animals to rejuvenate themselves. It is a maintenance process during which the physical anatomy is at ease but the metabolic processes continue to function. Sleep ... Read More

Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fats

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 10:32:59


Introduction Along with carbohydrates and proteins, fats are one of the three basic macronutrient groups in the human diet. Fatty acids, which are another name for fat, are composed of the three essential elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with carbon making up a large portion of the composition. The majority of the fats required for fundamental physiological activities are produced by our bodies. However, those that the body cannot make and that must be consumed through diet are referred to as Essential Fats. The three primary forms of fat are unsaturated fats (got from plant-based food), saturated fats (got from ... Read More

Difference Between Rust and Smut

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 10:24:58


Introduction Fungi are eukaryotic organisms containing proper cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. These are heterotrophs and depend on other organisms for food and nutrition. Fungi are economically essential as they feed on dead and decaying matter, breaking complex minerals into simple ones and supplying them back to the soil. This nature of fungi helps in completing various nutrient cycles and maintaining the nutrient balance of the environment. Basidiomycetes are one such class of higher fungi, which are parasitic in nature and cause various plant diseases such as black rust of wheat, loose smut of sorghum, maize smut etc. Rust Rust ... Read More

Difference Between Right and Left Lung

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 09:57:05


Introduction Breathing is the natural process that involves the inspiration or intake of oxygen and the expiration or removal of carbon dioxide. This process is possible due to the respiratory system that involves the nostrils, pharynx, windpipe or trachea, bronchi and lungs. The trachea further bifurcates to form the right and the left lung. Its contraction and relaxation result in the intake and expel of the air. Right lung The right lung is shorter and wider as compared to the left lung and both perform the function of breathing. Location of the right lung The right lung is present in ... Read More

Difference Between Replication and Transcription

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 09:49:52


Introduction Replication and transcription are two different biological processes necessary for the growth and survival of living organisms. Despite the same starting substrate of both processes, DNA (the messenger of genetic information) in both processes yields separate end products. Replication is known to transfer the entire genetic information to its daughter DNA strands to enable cell division while transcription converts the information stored in the DNA into messenger RNA (mRNA) which is intermediate to protein synthesis. This article explains the concept of replication, transcription, and the differences between the two. Replication Replication is the process of making an exact copy ... Read More

Difference Between Renewable and Non Renewable Resources

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 09:43:27


Introduction Energy resources are needed to carry out various industrial, household, and transportation activities. There are two kinds of energy sources: Renewable and Non-renewable resources. Considering the benefits of renewable energy sources, their use has been advocated for the past few years. However, they come with their own set of challenges. Find out more about these energy sources, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and the major differences between the two in this article. Renewable resources Renewable resources of energy are those energy sources that cannot be depleted and will be available for use continuously. They are usually considered ... Read More

Difference Between Red and White Muscle

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 30-Nov-2022 12:05:18


Introduction Muscle is made up of elastic tissue. Thousands of muscle fibres constitute elastic tissues. These muscles work together with the nerve fibres to do all voluntary and involuntary functions of the body. Depending on the presence of muscle fibres the muscle strength varies. There are three types of muscles skeletal muscle, striated muscles, and smooth muscle. Approximately about 30%- 40% of our body weight is comprised of skeletal muscles. These muscles are connected with the bones and perform a variety of functions. All the voluntary functions of the body are controlled by the skeletal muscles. At the time ... Read More

Difference Between Radicle and Plumule

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 30-Nov-2022 12:02:11


Introduction The seeds of a plant are one of the most important structures involved in the growth of new plants. The emergence of a plant is dependent upon the successful germination of the seed within the soil. The zygote undergoes mitotic divisions to form an embryo which, under the right conditions has the potential to grow into a complete plant. A typical seed consists of three parts- the seed coat, the embryo and the endosperm. The embryo has the potential to develop into a complete plant, under suitable conditions. A mature seed’s internal structure typically comprises three parts- the embryonic ... Read More

Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Transcription

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 30-Nov-2022 11:59:32

4K+ Views

Introduction to transcription In this method transcribes genetic information to RNA from DNA. The ultimate product of this transcription is protein. The DNA is present inside the nucleus of the cells. In managing all the cellular activities within the cells with the help of coding. For the production of proteins, this DNA code is used. DNA that carries information is not directly converted to proteins, it must first be copied to RNA. The reason behind this- the information that carries in the DNA should be destroyed. In DNA transcription, DNA is copied for the production of RNA. To produce a ... Read More
