Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

Difference between Tokenization and Encryption

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 08:00:29


Today, every firm, large or small, collects, stores, receives or transmits data to some extent. This data must be protected regardless of which device, technology, or method is used to manage, store, or gather it. This is when data security comes into play. We will limit our discussion to file and database encryption methods, even though data security is a term that embraces all aspects of information security.By hiding critical information's contents through encryption or tokenization, these technologies provide a last line of defence. Let's look at the two terms for data security in more detail.TokenizationTokenization is a mechanism for ... Read More

Why is IPv6 preferred over IPv4?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:56:44

2K+ Views

The Internet Protocol, or IP, is a set of rules that allows our computers and other communication devices to communicate via the Internet. When you open a website on your browser, a data packet including your IP address is transmitted to the web server's IP address, and the website is then served back to your device over the Internet.IP addresses function similarly as street addresses on a map do. They are in charge of directing packets to their correct destinations. IP controls all Internet traffic. Data packets containing the IP addresses of their points of origin and destinations travel on ... Read More

Stegosploit: Hacking with Images

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:51:48

2K+ Views

Thousands of images are uploaded to the Internet every day, but what if I told you that simply looking at an image in your browser might infect your computer with malware? Image malware is an excellent approach for cyber crooks to conduct a surprise attack. Most users do not believe that a simple image file is dangerous. As a result, attacks like "Stegosploit" are highly damaging to businesses and individuals. So, what exactly is Stegosploit? Let's go a little deeper.What is Stegosploit?To exploit, Stegsploit employs the concept of digital stenography, which involves disguising a file within another one.Stegosploit is a ... Read More

Why is it important to secure IoT devices?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:47:54


Today, we are in a world full of smartphones, smart homes, smartwatches, smart refrigerators, and anything present made into "smart". So, all of these smart devices wouldn't have come into existence without the help of IoT (Internet of Things) technology. Let us look into the tech and how to secure our IoT devices.What are IoT devices?The Internet of Things (IoT) technology stack is a collection of technologies, standards, and tools that span the simple connection of devices to the applications that use them, the data they collect and convey, and the several steps required to power them.It's now feasible to ... Read More

Why Postponing Software Updates Puts You at Risk

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:45:42


While it may appear to be harmless to put off a software update, you could be putting yourself at considerable risk. Over the last decade, the number of programs we use on desktop and mobile has skyrocketed, and they all require regular system updates. We understand that software updates can be a little tedious sometimes, however there are reasons why you should never skip these updates.What is the Significance of Software Updates?Receiving an update notification should always be a positive experience. It signifies that someone is still working to improve, secure, and streamline the software.New features and improvements may be ... Read More

Why You Should Never Pay a Ransomware Demand

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:43:55


Cyber risks are increasing as our society becomes more reliant on technology. A typical cyber threat that cybercriminals take advantage of is ransomware, and they are in it for the money. It may sound scary initially, and we might be tempted to pay them, but should you decide to pay these criminals? The short answer is "No". Now let us find out why you should stick to that decision.What is Ransomware?Ransomware is malware that infects, locks, or controls a computer system. The attacker then demands a monetary payment to reverse the malicious conduct.Attackers who use ransomware encrypt files and demand ... Read More

What is Cloud Antivirus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:40:31


We are all aware of the ever-rising dangers of malware and other cyber threats that can harm your devices and turn them completely useless or even ask for a ransom to get back your access to the device. You'll need security software to defend yourself from such dangers.Using a cloud antivirus solution is becoming increasingly popular. Antivirus providers now offer to emphasize their products' cloud-based capabilities, claiming advantages such as "the speed of cloud computing to enable real-time protection." What exactly does that imply? What exactly is cloud antivirus?What is Cloud Antivirus?Cloud antivirus provides real-time threat updates and uses the ... Read More

What is Bluebugging?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:30:26


Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and Bluetooth is a standard feature in most smartphones that we use quite frequently. However, we need to keep in mind that a Bluetooth-enabled gadget can be hacked and exploited.If your smartphone gets hacked over a Bluetooth connection, you risk losing all of your data, photographs, videos, messages, contacts, and other personal information. Nowadays, you carry a miniature computer in your pocket if you have a smartphone.What is Bluetooth?Bluetooth is an open wireless technology standard for transmitting data between fixed and mobile electronic devices over short distances. In 1994, Bluetooth was introduced as a ... Read More

How to secure your data from the Dark Web?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:28:28


The Internet that we see and is visible to most users is known as the surface web, but this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Internet. Using search engines like Google, we are restricted to the surface layer of the Internet, but there exists a more profound layer known as the DarkNet or Dark Web, which is usually known for a collection of hidden websites that are not indexed by search engines like Google and are inaccessible using a conventional browser.What Does the Term "Dark Web" Mean?The Dark Web, often known as the DarkNet, ... Read More

How to make your Facebook account hackproof?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 16-Feb-2022 07:26:26


Facebook is a vital part of our everyday lives for many of us. It's where we communicate with friends and co-workers, keep up with our favourite celebrities, and keep up with the newest news. Because many of us consider Facebook an extension of ourselves, having your account hacked may be more than humiliating. A hacked Facebook account can ruin your reputation, reveal personal information, and even cost you money. In this article, we will share a few tips that you can use to make your Facebook account hackproof.Select a strong passwordLet's start with one of the most primary aspects − ... Read More
