Found 6 Articles for Coal and Petroleum

Formation of Fossil Fuels

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:34:45


Introduction Fossil fuels are hydrocarbon (combination of carbon and hydrogen)- containing substances formed naturally (in nature) on the surface of the earth (earth’s crust). They are formed from the remains left-over) of dead (not alive) plants (flora) and animals (fauna) that are extracted (being absorbed) and buried under the soil and burned as fuel. Some of the known and widely used fossil fuels (or, fuels) are coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Coals are formed as rock strata (stone) called coal (charcoal) seams. Coal is produced (formed) when the dead (not alive) plant matter (flora) decays (decomposed) into peat (accumulation of ... Read More

Uses and Advantages of Natural Gas

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 12:04:09


Introduction Natural gas would be a naturally occurring substance composed largely of methane, with negligible concentrations of various higher alkanes and, in exceptional cases, CO2, N2, H2 S, as well as He. Deep under the earth's crust, with additional solid-liquid hydrocarbon resources such as coal as well as crude oil, Natural Gas Reserves could be found. This seems to be a fossil fuel which could be used for preparing food, heating, as well as electricity production, along with many other purposes. Natural gas is indeed a non-renewable form of energy often used to power cars. What is Natural Gas? Natural ... Read More

Effects of Burning Fossil Fuels

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:11:07


Introduction Fossil Fuel is one of the widely used sources of producing energy. For a long time, fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas have been used in homes, industrial areas, for electricity generation and moving vehicles, etc. These fuels are cheap but cause several side effects on our health and the environment. The Fumes produced by these fuels are releasing pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides, and toxins that generate around 44 health issues like heart problems, respiratory problems, asthma, Alzheimer’s, autism, etc. It not only produces health issues but many environmental issues like air pollution, ... Read More

Uses of Coal

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 15:51:01


Introduction Coal, is also known as Black diamond. Coal is inflammable black or brownish alluvial rock with a high amount of carbon obtained. Coal can take more than a thousand years to be formed, so coal is also considered a non-renewable energy source. In the current world of digitalization and technology-based development, coal appears as an effective source of energy for not only industries but also households. Coal is of four types lignite, subbituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. The footfall of coal is in almost everywhere that depends on the generation and usage of energy. What is Coal? Figure ... Read More

Coal Story

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:45:13


Introduction Coal seems to be a dense carbon-rich substance that is generally brown/black as well as originates in layered sedimentary rock. This is among the most significant major fossil fuels. It is described as containing 50 percent of the overall carbon-containing substance by weight generated by the compression as well as stiffening of modified plant residues, and mainly peat settlements. Many varieties of coal exist due to variances in plant matter, the extent of coalification, as well as impurity spectrum. In the 1600s, French explorers, as well as fur traders, found North American coal seams near the coast of Grand ... Read More

Coal Products

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:05:55


Introduction For our necessities, we use a variety of materials. Some are present in the environment, while others are the result of human labour. Natural resources are abundant due to the abundance of numerous resources in nature. Carbonization accounts for a significant amount of global coal production. Coke is the principal byproduct of high-temperature carbonization; roughly 4 percent of the total input coal is transformed into tar and crude benzol (light oil), and significant amounts of gas are also generated. The various useful products generated by processing coal without air: Coal Gas Coke Coal Tar Images Coming soon ... Read More
