Found 2 Articles for Algebra

Algebraic Operations on Complex Numbers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Apr-2024 15:14:15


Introduction Algebraic operations on complex numbers are given by arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Complex numbers make it simpler to find the square root of negative values. The concept of complex numbers was first presented when Hero of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician, attempted to compute the square root of a negative number in the first century. Numerous scientific research, including those involving signal processing, electromagnetism, fluid physics, quantum mechanics, and vibration analysis, have made use of complex numbers. In this tutorial, we will discuss algebraic operations on complex numbers. Complex Numbers Real and imaginary numbers are ... Read More

Algebra – Linear Equations Applications

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 10:10:20


Introduction Linear equations have numerous applications in mathematics. An equation may be defined as an algebraic expression equated to constant or other expressions. An equation with the highest exponential power of variables equal to one is called a linear equation. Mathematical expressions can be used to solve word problems. Mathematical knowledge is usually applied through word problems coded in the form of expressions. In this tutorial, we will understand linear equations, algebra of linear equations, solving linear equations, one equation, one variable, two equations, two variables, and some solved examples. Linear Equations An equation consisting of one or more variables ... Read More
