Found 2 Articles for Servlets

What are the Alternatives of Servlet?

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:01:10


Introduction Servlets have long been a cornerstone of Java-based web development. However, as web technologies have evolved, several alternatives to Servlets have emerged, offering various features and paradigms that suit different development needs. This article provides an overview of these alternatives and discusses their strengths and applicability in different contexts Understanding Servlets Servlets are Java programs that run on a web server, acting as a middle layer between a request from a web browser or other client and the server's response. Despite being a powerful technology for building web applications, Servlets can become complex when used in large-scale applications. Let's ... Read More

Difference between Servlet and JSP

Nitin Sharma
Updated on 18-Sep-2019 14:23:53

5K+ Views

In brief, it can be defined as Servlet are the java programs that run on a Web server and act as a middle layer between a request coming from HTTP client and databases or applications on the HTTP server.While JSP is simply a text document that contains two types of text: static text which is predefined and dynamic text which is rendered after server response is received.The following are the important differences between ArrayList and HashSet.Sr. No.KeyServletJSP1ImplementationServlet is developed on Java language.JSP is primarily written in HTML language although Java code could also be written on it but for it, ... Read More
