Advanced Techniques for Debugging JavaScript Applications

Debugging is an essential skill for every JavaScript developer. It helps identify and fix errors, optimise performance, and improve the overall quality of code. While basic debugging techniques like console logging are widely used, advanced techniques can greatly enhance your debugging capabilities. In this article, we will explore some advanced debugging techniques and learn how they can be effectively used to debug JavaScript applications.

Using Breakpoints

Breakpoints allow us to pause the execution of our code at a specific line and inspect the program's state. Modern browsers provide powerful debugging tools that enable setting breakpoints directly in the code or via the browser's developer console.


Let's take a look at an example −

function calculateSum(a, b) {
   debugger; // Set a breakpoint
   let sum = a + b;
   return sum;

let result = calculateSum(5, 7);


In the above code, we have a simple function calculateSum that adds two numbers. By placing the debugger statement at a specific line, we can pause the code execution at that point. When running the code in a browser with developer tools open, the execution will stop at the debugger statement, and we can inspect variables, step through the code, and analyse the program's behaviour

When the code reaches the debugger statement, the browser's developer tools will activate, allowing you to explore the program's state and continue the execution step-by-step.

Conditional Breakpoints

Sometimes, we may want to break only when a specific condition is met. Conditional breakpoints allow us to achieve this.

Consider the following example 

function findElement(arr, target) {
   for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      if (arr[i] === target) {
         debugger; // Conditional breakpoint
         return i;
   return -1;

let numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
let index = findElement(numbers, 5);


In the findElement function, we search for a target element in an array using a loop. By setting a conditional breakpoint within the if statement, we can halt the execution only when the condition arr[i] === target evaluates to true. This technique is particularly useful when dealing with large arrays or complex conditions.

When the condition inside the conditional breakpoint is satisfied, the debugger will pause the code execution at that point, allowing you to inspect the program's state and analyse the variables involved.

Debugging Asynchronous Code

Debugging asynchronous code can be challenging due to its non-linear nature. However, modern JavaScript debugging tools provide features to simplify this process.

Let's consider an example of debugging a Promise-based asynchronous function 

function fetchData() {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
         let data = 'Hello, world!';
      }, 2000);

function processResponse(response) {
   debugger; // Asynchronous breakpoint



In the above code, the fetchData function returns a Promise that resolves after a timeout of 2 seconds. We have a processResponse function that logs the response string in uppercase. By placing an asynchronous breakpoint at the desired line, we can pause the execution when the Promise resolves and inspect the resolved value.

When the Promise resolves and the breakpoint is hit, the debugger will pause the code execution, allowing you to explore the resolved value and continue the debugging process.

Use of console.assert() for debugging

Consider the code shown below.

function calculateFactorial(n) {
   console.assert(n >= 0, 'Input must be a non-negative number');

   let factorial = 1;
   for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      factorial *= i;

   console.assert(factorial > 0, 'Factorial result must be a positive number');

   return factorial;

let result = calculateFactorial(5);


In the calculateFactorial function, we calculate the factorial of a given number n. Before starting the calculation, we use console.assert() to validate our assumptions about the input and the result. The first console.assert() statement checks if n is a non-negative number. If the condition is false, an assertion error message will be displayed in the console.

Similarly, after calculating the factorial, we use another console.assert() statement to ensure that the result is a positive number. If the condition is false, an assertion error message will be displayed.

Using console.assert() helps us catch and identify issues with our assumptions and quickly spot any unexpected behaviour during development and testing.

If the input n is a negative number, the first console.assert() will throw an error in the console:

Assertion failed: Input must be a non-negative number

If the calculated factorial is not a positive number, the second console.assert() will throw an error:

Assertion failed: Factorial result must be a positive number

By utilising console.assert() throughout your code, you can validate critical conditions and ensure that your program behaves as expected.

Remote Debugging

Remote debugging enables you to debug JavaScript applications running on remote devices or environments, such as mobile devices or other machines. This technique is particularly useful when working with cross-platform applications or debugging in production environments. Remote debugging requires the use of tools and configuration specific to the platform you are targeting.


In this article, we explored advanced debugging techniques for JavaScript applications. We learned about using breakpoints, conditional breakpoints, debugging asynchronous code, and remote debugging. By mastering these techniques and utilising the powerful debugging tools provided by modern browsers, you can greatly enhance your ability to identify and fix issues in your JavaScript code. Debugging is an essential skill for any developer, and with practice, you can become proficient in troubleshooting and optimising your JavaScript applications.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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