A Brief Introduction to 'Makefiles' in Open Source Software Development

As an open-source developer, you might have come across term "Makefile" while exploring different projects. But what exactly is a Makefile, and how does it work? In this article, we will provide a brief introduction to Makefiles, covering what they are, why they are important, and how to create one.

What is a Makefile?

In simple terms, a Makefile is a script that automates build process for a software project. It contains a list of instructions that specify how to compile, link, and test code. Makefiles are used to build complex projects that have multiple source files, dependencies, and targets.

Makefiles were first introduced in early 1970s as part of Unix operating system. They were designed to help programmers automate process of building software, which was a time-consuming and error-prone task. Since then, Makefiles have become an essential tool in world of software development, especially in open-source community.

Why are Makefiles important?

Makefiles provide several benefits to developers. Firstly, they automate build process, which saves time and reduces errors. Instead of manually compiling and linking every source file, developers can simply run Makefile, which will perform all necessary steps in correct order.

Secondly, Makefiles make it easier to manage complex projects with multiple dependencies. For example, if you have a project with several source files that depend on external libraries, you can specify these dependencies in Makefile. When you run Makefile, it will automatically check if dependencies are up-to-date and rebuild them if necessary.

Finally, Makefiles help ensure that code is built consistently across different platforms and environments. By specifying build process in a Makefile, developers can ensure that code is compiled and linked with correct flags and settings, regardless of operating system or compiler being used.

How to create a Makefile?

Creating a Makefile can seem daunting at first, especially if you are new to concept. However, with a little practice, you can quickly become proficient in writing Makefiles. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a basic Makefile.

Step 1: Define targets

The first step in creating a Makefile is to define targets that you want to build. A target is a file that you want to create or update, such as an executable or a library. To define a target, you use following syntax −

target: dependencies

Here, target is name of file that you want to create, dependencies are files that target depends on, and command is shell command that should be executed to create target. For example, if you want to create an executable called myprogram from source file main.c, you would define following target −

myprogram: main.c
   gcc -o myprogram main.c

Step 2: Define dependencies

The next step is to define dependencies for each target. Dependencies are files that target depends on, and they can be other targets or source files. To define a dependency, you simply list file or target name after colon. For example, if your executable depends on a header file called utils.h, you would define following target −

myprogram: main.c utils.h
   gcc -o myprogram main.c

Step 3: Define build rules

The final step is to define build rules for each target. Build rules are shell commands that should be executed to create target. To define a build rule, you simply list shell command after the dependencies. In our example, we use gcc compiler to compile main.c and link it to create myprogram executable. Our Makefile now looks like this −

myprogram: main.c utils.h
   gcc -o myprogram main.c

Once you have defined your targets, dependencies, and build rules, you can save Makefile to a file called Makefile. To build your project, simply open a terminal in directory containing Makefile and run make command. This will read Makefile and execute necessary commands to build targets.

Makefiles are not only limited to building software projects but can also be used for other tasks such as cleaning up temporary files, testing, and deployment.

For example, you can define a target in your Makefile to clean up temporary files generated during build process. Here's an example of a target that removes all .o files in project directory −

   rm -f *.o

To run this target, you simply need to run make clean command in project directory. This will execute rm command and remove all .o files.

Makefiles can also be used for testing your code. You can define a target that runs your unit tests and reports results. Here's an example of a target that runs a Python test suite −

   python -m unittest discover -s tests -p 'test_*.py'

To run this target, you simply need to run make test command in project directory. This will execute python command and run all test cases in tests directory.

Finally, Makefiles can be used for deploying your software to production. You can define a target that packages your code into a distributable format and uploads it to a remote server. Here's an example of a target that creates a .tar.gz file and uploads it to a remote server using rsync −

   tar czf myproject-1.0.tar.gz src/ README.md
   rsync myproject-1.0.tar.gz user@server:/tmp

To run this target, you simply need to run make deploy command in project directory. This will execute tar command to create a .tar.gz file containing source code and README file. Then, it will upload file to remote server using rsync.

In summary, Makefiles are a powerful tool for automating tasks in software development. They can be used to build, test, clean, and deploy your code, saving you time and reducing errors. By mastering art of Makefile creation, you can become a more productive and efficient developer.


In conclusion, Makefiles are an essential tool in open-source software development. They automate build process, manage dependencies, and ensure consistent builds across different platforms and environments. By following steps outlined in this article, you can create your own Makefiles and improve your productivity as a developer.

While this article only scratches surface of what Makefiles can do, it provides a solid foundation for further exploration. With some additional reading, you can learn about more advanced features of Makefiles, such as variables, conditionals, and macros. By mastering art of Makefile creation, you can become a more efficient and effective open-source developer.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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