What is the difference between re.findall() and re.finditer() methods available in Python?

The re.findall() method

The re.findall() helps to get a list of all matching patterns. It searches from start or end of the given string. If we use method findall to search for a pattern in a given string it will return all occurrences of the pattern. While searching a pattern, it is recommended to use re.findall() always, it works like re.search() and re.match() both.


import re result = re.search(r'TP', 'TP Tutorials Point TP')

print result.group()



The re.finditer() method

re.finditer(pattern, string, flags=0)

 Return an iterator yielding MatchObject instances over all non-overlapping matches for the RE pattern in string. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found. Empty matches are included in the result. 

The following code shows the use of re.finditer() method in Python regex


import re s1 = 'Blue Berries'
pattern = 'Blue Berries'
for match in re.finditer(pattern, s1):
    s = match.start()
    e = match.end()
    print 'String match "%s" at %d:%d' % (s1[s:e], s, e)


Strings match "Blue Berries" at 0:12

Updated on: 20-Feb-2020


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