Python tuples are immutable then how we can add values to them?

Python tuple is an immutable object. Hence any operation that tries to modify it (like append/insert) is not allowed. However, following workaround can be used.

First, convert tuple to list by built-in function list(). You can always append as well as insert an item to list object. Then use another built-in function tuple() to convert this list object back to tuple.

>>> T1=(10,50,20,9,40,25,60,30,1,56)
>>> L1=list(T1)
>>> L1
[10, 50, 20, 9, 40, 25, 60, 30, 1, 56]
>>> L1.append(100)
>>> L1.insert(4,45)
>>> T1=tuple(L1)
>>> T1
(10, 50, 20, 9, 45, 40, 25, 60, 30, 1, 56, 100)

Updated on: 20-Feb-2020


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