How to create a filesystem node using Python?

In the realm of Python programming, a filesystem node holds significant prominence as it encompasses the essence of file and directory representation within the intricate file system. This construct acts as a means to interact with files and directories programmatically. Each node bears multiple attributes like names, sizes, permissions, and timestamps. The widely used Python modules, such as "os" and "pathlib," serve as the conduits through which one may interact with these entities, the filestystem nodes and even modify them when required.

Filesystem nodes can be created, renamed, deleted, and navigated to access their contents. These nodes make it possible for you to perform operations like reading from and writing to files, creating and deleting directories, checking file properties, and navigating through directory structures. By putting to use filesystem nodes, you get the capability to manipulate files and directories efficiently and effectively within your Python programs.

Python provides various methods and functions to work with filesystem nodes, making it possible for you to perform common operations like listing files in a directory, checking file existence, copying or moving files, and more. These functionalities facilitate tasks such as file manipulation, data processing, and automation, making it easier to work with the file system in Python.

Creating a filesystem node using Python allows you to interact with the file system, whether it's creating directories or files. Let's dive into the process step by step:

Step 1: Import the necessary module

To work with the file system, we need to first import the os module; this module provides a way to interact and work with operating system-dependent functionality.

import os

Step 2: The path and name of the directory or file is specified

You have the opportunity to decide on the path and name for your new filesystem node. You can make a choice between considering an existing directory or creating a new one.

directory_path = "/path/to/directory"
directory_name = "new_directory"

Step 3: Create a directory

For the purpose of creating a new directory, you can always use the os.mkdir() function and declare the path and name of the directory as arguments. This will result in the creation of a new directory at the specified location.

directory_path = os.path.join(directory_path, directory_name) 
 # Combine the path and name

Step 4: Create a file

In order that you want to create a file instead of a directory, you can always use the open() function. This function takes the file path and the mode as arguments. The mode can be "w" for write mode, "r" for read mode, or "a" for append mode.

file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, "new_file.txt") 
# Combine the path and filename

file = open(file_path, "w")
file.close()  # Remember to close the file after creating it

Step 5: Verify the creation

To make it sure that the directory or file has been created successfully, you can utilize the os.path.exists() function. It returns True if the path exists and False otherwise.


if os.path.exists(directory_path):
   print("Directory created successfully!")
   print("Directory creation failed!")

if os.path.exists(file_path):
   print("File created successfully!")
   print("File creation failed!")


For some directory and file, the following was the output

Directory created successfully!
File created successfully!

By diligently following these steps, you can surely and confidently create a new directory or file in the file system using Python.


In this example, we start by importing the os module. We then specify the path and name of the new directory. Using os.path.join(), we combine the path and name to form the complete directory path. Next, we use os.makedirs() to create the directory. This function allows the creation of nested directories if the parent directories don't exist. We enclose the directory creation code within a try-except block to handle any potential exceptions. If the directory is created successfully, we display a success message. If the directory already exists, we inform the user. If any other error occurs, we catch it and display an appropriate error message.

import os

# Specify the path and name of the directory
directory_path = "/path/to/parent_directory"
directory_name = "new_directory"

# Combine the path and name
directory_path = os.path.join(directory_path, directory_name)

# Create the directory and handle exceptions
   print("Directory created successfully!")
except FileExistsError:
   print("Directory already exists!")
except OSError as e:
   print(f"Directory creation failed: {e}")


For some particular directory, the following was the output

Directory created successfully!


In this example, we import the os module first and then specify the path and name of the new file. We first check if the file already exists using os.path.exists(). If it so happens that the file doesn't exist, we proceed to create one. Within a try-except block, we make use of the open() function with the "w" mode to open the file for writing. Using a 'with statement' ensures proper file handling, thereby automatically closing the file after writing. We write the following content "This is a new file." to the file using the write() method. If the file is ultimately created successfully, we display a success message. If it happens that any error occurs during the file creation process, we catch it and display an appropriate error message. If the file already exists, we inform the user.

import os

# Specify the path and name of the file
file_path = "/path/to/directory/new_file.txt"

# Create the file and handle exceptions
   with open(file_path, "w") as file:
      file.write("Hello, world!")
   print("File created successfully!")
except OSError as e:
   print(f"File creation failed: {e}")


For some particular file, the following was the output

File created successfully!


In this example, we import the os module first and then specify the path and name of the new file. We first check if the file already exists using os.path.exists(). If it so happens that the file doesn't exist, we proceed to create one. Within a try-except block, we make use of the open() function with the "w" mode to open the file for writing. Using a 'with statement' ensures proper file handling, thereby automatically closing the file after writing. We write the following content "This is a new file." to the file using the write() method. If the file is ultimately created successfully, we display a success message. If it happens that any error occurs during the file creation process, we catch it and display an appropriate error message. If the file already exists, we inform the user.

import os
# Specify the path and name of the file

file_path = "/path/to/directory/new_file.txt"

# Check if the file exists
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
   # Create the file
      with open(file_path, "w") as file:
         file.write("This is a new file.")
      print("File created successfully!")
   except OSError as e:
      print(f"File creation failed: {e}")

   print("File already exists!")


For some particular file, the following was the output

File already exists!  

In this captivating journey through the Python landscape, we've explored the creation of filesystem nodes with Python. By employing the power of the os module and leveraging its functions, we've learned how to bring directories and files into existence effortlessly. With the ability to control the file system, you now possess the tools to organize and manipulate data with finesse. With the additional code examples, you have a wider repertoire of techniques for creating directories and files in the file system using Python.

As you continue your Python odyssey, keep experimenting, expanding your coding horizons, and let the magic of Python guide your way. May your code be bug-free, your programs be efficient, and your creativity be boundless.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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