How does the 'in' operator work on a tuple in Python?

In this article, we discuss about the ‘in’ operator and how it works on tuples in python. Before moving on, we will discuss about tuples first.


Tuples are a data type that belongs to the sequence data type category. They're similar to lists in Python, but they have the property of being immutable. We can't change the elements of a tuple, but we can execute a variety of actions on them such as count, index, type, etc.

Tuples are created in Python by placing a sequence of values separated by a 'comma', with or without the use of parenthesis for data grouping. Tuples can have any number of elements and any type of data (like strings, integers, lists, etc.).


In the below example we will look at how to create a tuple.

tuple = ('Tutorialspoint', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'platform', 'to', 'learn', 'new', 'skills') print(tuple)


The above code produces the following results

('Tutorialspoint', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'platform', 'to', 'learn', 'new', 'skills')

The "in" operator on a tuple

We use the ‘in’ operator to check if the object is present in the tuple. The ‘in’ operator returns “True” if a sequence with the specified value is present in the object and “False” if it is not present.


The ‘in’ operator in Python allows you to loop through all of the members of a collection (such as a list or a tuple) and see if any of them are equal to the given item.

The following is an example code, where we check if an element is present in the tuple or not.

tuple=('Tutorialspoint', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'platform', 'to', 'learn', 'new', 'skills') print("Tutorialspoint" in tuple) print("HelloWorld" in tuple)


In the above example, the string “Tutorialspoint” is present in the tuple so the in operator returns “True”. Whereas, the string “HelloWorld” is not present in the tuple so it returns “False”.


Example 2

Following is another example demonstrating the usage of the IN operator in a tuple −

my_tuple = (5, 1, 8, 3, 7) print(8 in my_tuple) print(0 in my_tuple)


This will give the output −


Updated on: 05-Sep-2022

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