How do we define tuple in Python?

A tuple is a collection of python objects that are separated by commas which are ordered and immutable. Tuples are sequences, just like lists. The differences between tuples and lists are, that tuples cannot be changed unlike lists and tuples use parentheses, whereas lists use square brackets. Let us see about the creation of tuples in a detailed way.

Empty Tuple

Empty tuple means a tuple with no elements.


Following is a way, to can create an empty tuple.

temp=() print(temp)


The following output is obtained on executing the above program.


Non Empty Tuple

It is a tuple with elements that are separated by commas. In the following code, to give a string value you need to declare it in quotes whereas for a Boolean value you can directly declare it as True or False.


The following is a small python code snippet which shows the creation of a non-empty tuple.

tup=('tutorials', 'point', 2022,True) print(tup)


The following output is obtained on executing the above program.

('tutorials', 'point', 2022, True)

Create a tuple with a single element

All the components (elements) must be enclosed in parenthesis (), each one separated by a comma, to form a tuple. Although using parenthesis is not required, it is a good practise to do so. Any number of objects, maybe of various types such as integer, float, list, string, etc., may be included in a tuple.


The following is a small python code snippet which shows the creation of a tuple with a single element.

tup=('tutorialspoint',) print(tup)


The following output is obtained on executing the above program.


Tuple with mixed datatypes

In Python, each value has a datatype. In Python programming, everything is an object, hence variables and data types are both instances (or objects) of the same classes. Few built in datatypes in Python are Numeric datatype (such as int, float etc), boolean datatype, dictionary etc.


Following is an example of tuple having mixed datatypes −

# tuple with datatypes having integers, string and float tuple = (8, "TutorialsPoint", 7.8) print('The tuple with mixed datatype is:',tuple)


Following is an output of the above code −

The tuple with mixed datatype is: (8, 'TutorialsPoint', 7.8)

Nested Tuple

Lists, dictionaries, and other compound objects, as well as other tuples, can all be contained within a tuple. Tuples are hence capable of nesting inside of other tuples.

Each tuple in the nested tuple is considered to be an element.

Example 1

In the following example a for loop is used for accessing all the elements in the nested tuple −

Student = (('Rohit','X-B',87.4), ('Sakshi', 'X-C', 76.9), ('Shweta', 'X-D', '98.7')) for h in Student: print(h)


The following is an output of the nested tuple −

('Rohit', 'X-B', 87.4)
('Sakshi', 'X-C', 76.9)
('Shweta', 'X-D', '98.7')

Example 2

Following is another example of nested tuple −

# nested tuple tuple = ("TutorialsPoint", [2,6,4], (9,4,7)) print('The nested tuple is:',tuple)


The nested tuple is: ('TutorialsPoint', [2, 6, 4], (9, 4, 7))

Updated on: 08-Nov-2022


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