4 Ways to Generate a Strong Pre-Shared Key (PSK) in Linux

Pre-shared key (PSK) is a security mechanism used to protect network communication by ensuring that only authorized devices can access it. It is a shared secret key that must be kept confidential to prevent unauthorized access to network. In Linux, there are several ways to generate a strong PSK, and in this article, we will discuss four of them.

Use Random Characters

One of simplest ways to generate a strong PSK is to use a random combination of characters. This can be done using a Linux command-line utility called "openssl." To generate a PSK using openssl, open a terminal and type following command −

openssl rand -hex 32

This command will generate a 32-character hexadecimal string, which can be used as a PSK. You can adjust number of characters by changing number after "-hex" option.

Another way to generate a PSK using random characters is to use "pwgen" utility. This utility generates random passwords that can be used as PSKs. To install pwgen, open a terminal and type following command −

sudo apt-get install pwgen

Once installed, you can generate a PSK by typing following command −

pwgen -s 32 1

This command will generate a 32-character PSK using random characters. You can adjust number of characters by changing number after "-s" option.

Use Passphrases

A passphrase is a combination of words that is easier to remember than a random combination of characters. However, it is still secure if it is long and complex enough. To generate a PSK using a passphrase, you can use a Linux utility called "apg." To install apg, open a terminal and type following command −

sudo apt-get install apg

Once installed, you can generate a PSK by typing following command −

apg -a 0 -M N -n 1 -m 32

This command will generate a 32-character PSK using a random combination of words. You can adjust length of PSK by changing number after "-m" option.

Use Hash Functions

Hash functions are mathematical functions that take an input and generate a fixed-size output. They are commonly used in cryptography to generate a secure PSK. To generate a PSK using a hash function, you can use "sha256sum" utility. To generate a PSK using sha256sum, open a terminal and type following command −

echo -n "password" | sha256sum

Replace "password" with a passphrase or a random combination of characters. This command will generate a PSK using sha256 hash function.

Another way to generate a PSK using a hash function is to use "mkpasswd" utility. To install mkpasswd, open a terminal and type following command −

sudo apt-get install whois

Once installed, you can generate a PSK by typing following command −

mkpasswd -m sha-512

This command will generate a PSK using sha-512 hash function. You can adjust hash function by changing option after "-m" option.

Use Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are physical devices that generate and store PSKs. They are more secure than software-based PSK generators because they are isolated from network and are tamper-resistant. To generate a PSK using an HSM, you need to install an HSM on your Linux system and configure it to generate PSKs.

One popular HSM that can be used with Linux systems is YubiKey. To generate a PSK using YubiKey, you need to install "yubikey-personalization-gui" package. To install package, open a terminal and type following command −

sudo apt-get install yubikey-personalization-gui

Once installed, plug in your YubiKey and open YubiKey Personalization GUI. Click on "Generate" button to generate a PSK. PSK will be stored on YubiKey and can be used to secure your network communication.

In addition to methods discussed above, there are other ways to generate a strong PSK in Linux, such as using a password manager or generating a PSK using hardware security modules (HSMs). Let's explore these methods in more detail −

Using a Password Manager

A password manager is a tool that helps users store and manage their passwords securely. Many password managers also offer a feature to generate random passwords, which can be used as a PSK. To generate a PSK using a password manager, follow these steps −

  • Step 1 − Open your password manager and go to password generator feature.

  • Step 2 − Choose options that suit your needs, such as length of PSK, character set, and number of symbols.

  • Step 3 − Generate a PSK and copy it to clipboard.

  • Step 4 − Use PSK as needed.

The advantage of using a password manager is that it provides a secure way to store and manage your PSKs. However, main disadvantage is that you need to have access to password manager to retrieve PSK, which may not be possible in some situations.

Using Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)

An HSM is a physical device that is used to generate, store, and manage cryptographic keys. It is a highly secure and reliable method to generate a PSK. To generate a PSK using an HSM, follow these steps −

  • Step 1 − Connect HSM to your computer and install necessary drivers.

  • Step 2 − Use command-line interface or software provided by HSM vendor to generate a PSK.

  • Step 3 − Copy output and use it as your PSK.

The advantage of using an HSM is that it provides a high level of security and reliability. However, main disadvantage is that it can be expensive and may require specialized knowledge to operate.


In conclusion, there are several ways to generate a strong PSK in Linux. You can use a random combination of characters, a passphrase, a hash function, or a hardware security module (HSM) to generate a PSK. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose method that best suits your needs. By using a strong PSK, you can ensure that only authorized devices can access your network and keep your data secure.

Updated on: 31-Mar-2023


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