3 Useful Hacks Every Linux User Must Know

Linux is a popular operating system that is widely used by developers, system administrators, and tech enthusiasts. Its open-source nature and flexibility make it a popular choice for those who want to customize their computing experience. However, like any other operating system, Linux can be complex and difficult to navigate. Here are three useful hacks that every Linux user must know to make their experience easier and more productive.

Using Terminal Shortcuts

The terminal is a powerful tool for any Linux user. It allows you to execute commands and perform tasks quickly and efficiently. However, typing out long commands can be time-consuming and error-prone. This is where terminal shortcuts come in handy.

One of most useful terminal shortcuts is Tab key. When you start typing a command, Tab key will autocomplete command for you. For example, if you type "ls d", Tab key will complete command as "ls Desktop". This saves you time and reduces chance of typos.

Another useful terminal shortcut is Ctrl + R key combination. This opens reverse search function, which allows you to search for previously executed commands. This is particularly useful if you need to repeat a command that you used earlier in session. Simply type in a few letters of command, and terminal will find it for you.

Finally, you can use up and down arrow keys to navigate through your command history. This allows you to quickly repeat previous commands without typing them out again.

Customizing Desktop Environment

The Linux desktop environment can be customized in a variety of ways to suit your preferences. From changing wallpaper to tweaking system settings, there are numerous options available to make your Linux experience more personalized.

One of easiest ways to customize your Linux desktop is by changing wallpaper. You can do this by right-clicking on desktop and selecting "Change Desktop Background". From there, you can choose from a variety of pre-installed wallpapers or upload your own.

You can also customize look and feel of your Linux desktop by using themes. Themes allow you to change appearance of icons, windows, and menus on your desktop. To install a new theme, download it from a reputable source and extract it to /usr/share/themes directory. Then, open Appearance settings and select new theme.

Another way to customize your Linux desktop is by using extensions. Extensions are small add-ons that can be used to add functionality or change appearance of your desktop. To install extensions, open GNOME Extension website and browse through available extensions. Click on "On/Off" switch next to an extension to install it.

Managing Packages and Dependencies

Managing packages and dependencies is an important part of using Linux. Packages are collections of files that make up a software program, while dependencies are other software packages that a program requires to function properly.

One useful tool for managing packages and dependencies in Linux is apt-get command. This command is used to install, remove, and update software packages in Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu. For example, to install VLC media player, you would type "sudo apt-get install vlc" in terminal.

Another useful tool for managing packages and dependencies is dpkg command. This command is used to install, remove, and configure individual software packages in Debian-based distributions. For example, to install a package called "mypackage.deb", you would type "sudo dpkg -i mypackage.deb" in terminal.

Finally, you can use ldd command to view dependencies of a software program. This command lists shared libraries that a program requires to run. For example, to view dependencies of "vlc" program, you would type "ldd /usr/bin/vlc" in terminal.

Using Screen and Tmux

Screen and Tmux are two terminal multiplexers that allow you to run multiple terminal sessions within a single window. This is useful for managing multiple tasks or programs at once. For example, you can use Screen or Tmux to run a command in one window while continuing to work on something else in another window.

To use Screen, simply open a terminal window and type "screen". This will start a new session. You can then run commands within this session as you normally would. To detach from session and return to main terminal window, type "Ctrl + A, D". To reattach to session, type "screen -r".

Tmux works in a similar way. To start a new session, type "tmux new-session". You can then split window into multiple panes using "Ctrl + B, %", and "Ctrl + B, "" commands. To detach from session, type "Ctrl + B, D". To reattach to session, type "tmux attach".

Using SSH for Remote Access

SSH is a secure protocol for accessing remote systems over a network. This is useful for accessing and managing servers or other Linux systems that are located remotely. To use SSH, you will need to know IP address or hostname of remote system, as well as username and password or SSH key.

To connect to a remote system using SSH, open a terminal window and type "ssh [username]@[IP address or hostname]". You will then be prompted to enter your password or SSH key passphrase. Once authenticated, you can run commands on remote system as if you were logged in locally.

You can also use SSH to transfer files between systems using "scp" command. For example, to copy a file from local system to a remote system, type "scp [file] [username]@[IP address or hostname]:[destination directory]". To copy a file from remote system to local system, type "scp [username]@[IP address or hostname]:[file] [destination directory]".

Using Cron for Scheduled Tasks

Cron is a utility for scheduling tasks to run automatically at specific times or intervals. This is useful for automating repetitive tasks, such as backups or system updates. To use Cron, you will need to create a "Cron job" that specifies command or script to be executed, as well as schedule for when it should run.

To create a Cron job, open a terminal window and type "crontab -e". This will open Cron configuration file in a text editor. You can then add a new line to file that specifies schedule and command for job. For example, to run a backup script every day at 2 AM, you could add following line −

0 2 * * * /path/to/backup/script.sh

This line specifies that script should be run at 2 AM every day, using full path to script file.


These are just a few examples of useful hacks that every Linux user should know. By using these tips and tricks, you can make your Linux experience more productive, efficient, and personalized. Remember to always be cautious when making changes to your system and to back up important data before making any significant modifications.

In addition to hacks mentioned above, there are many other tips and tricks that can make your Linux experience even better. For example, you can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate your system more quickly, install third-party software repositories to access a wider range of software packages, and use virtualization software to test out different distributions and configurations.

Overall, Linux is a powerful and flexible operating system that can be customized to suit your needs. By taking advantage of various tools and techniques available, you can make most out of your Linux experience and become a more efficient and effective user.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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