14 Instant Ways to Calm Yourself Down

Everyone experiences worry and distress from time to time. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, so incidents like that are inevitable. But what should you do if you lose control of feelings of rage or anxiety? Keeping cool under stress is easier said than done.

This is why it's helpful to have a toolkit of strategies for dealing with negative feelings like anxiety and anger. These techniques for relieving stress could be beneficial.

1. A hand massage can help you to access pressure points

The best part is that you can do it anywhere, whether sitting at your computer, in a lecture hall or watching your kids fight. No one will undoubtedly notice this. With your thumb, apply pressure on the opposite hand's palm. It will make you feel calmer.

2. Press your palm into the earth

Squeeze your palms together and hold for 5 to 10 seconds to give your body "proprioceptive feedback" and "let your body know where it is in space." This one appeals to many people because it mimics the tree pose, which is the last position in the standing series in Bikram yoga. By applying the palm push, one can carry the relaxing effects of the tree posture with him wherever he goes.

3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths

Experts claim that since 80% of the information your brain receives comes from your eyes, occasionally closing them can be helpful. They also believe that getting nine unbroken hours of sleep benefits compassionate people. We don't have to be in bed. The essential pause before our senses gets overloaded is provided by lying in bed with the lights out.

4. Exhale deeply to bring yourself into the present

We all take a few deep breaths to center ourselves before switching from person to person. You take five long breaths through your mouth and exhale them all at once to mimic your adolescent's sighing sound. How significantly even a tiny sigh might affect attitude, productivity, and focus never ceased to amaze.

5. Perform this monkey stretch if you're feeling anxious

You'll extend your arms in front of you, bring them down, and repeat this motion. Until you pull the arms down to your sides, they remain extended. Finally, you extend your arm above your head, swoop until your head is positioned between your knees, and then pause for a moment. Try this exercise whenever you experience stress, muscle tightness, or other physical strain.

6. Give yourself a 10-second bear hug to feel better

Did you know that exchanging and getting hugs for 10 seconds daily can change the body's biochemical and physiological functions, lowering the risk of heart disease, reducing stress and fatigue, boosting the immune system, and treating depression? Begin by giving yourself a hearty hug. According to Brukner, squeezing your back and abdomen together simultaneously can stabilize you since it provides proprioceptive feedback (helping your body know where it is in space).

7. To regain balance, push the wall for five seconds

The wall push can be quite helpful for people who have problems processing sensory data. You'll press against the wall for 5–10 seconds with flat palms and firmly planted feet. Anyone who has felt an earthquake will attest that putting one's weight on a solid, immovable surface and feeling the pull of gravity is soothing on a subconscious level.

8. Display Inner Strength and Calm with Superman pose

Except for the hands and arms being stretched out in front of the body rather than to the sides, the Superman posture in Bikram yoga is quite similar to the full Locust position (aeroplane position). You lay on the ground on your stomach and extend your arms in front of you. You simultaneously extend your bowed legs out in front of you. Make an effort to hold the position for 10 seconds. This exercise is ideal if you are tired, overexcited, or preoccupied.

9. Shake Off Your Fears to Get Rid of Them

Have you heard the saying that animals shake off their anxiety? Numerous creatures, like antelopes, bounce back from their panic attacks and continue living happy lives. Experts learned to shake for 15 minutes at a time as a part of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) curriculum. It wasn't especially appealing, but it benefitted their brain in certain respects.

10. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly with bubble breathing

Here's how to go about it −

  • Inhale for five seconds, then exhale for five seconds.

  • Imagine a bubble perched atop a wand. Make sure the bubble doesn't pop as you exhale.

  • Place one flat hand over your tummy and the other over your heart.

  • Take a big breath through your nose and hold it for five seconds while you count to five.

  • Blow through your closed lips for five seconds to produce a giant "bubble."

11. Incorporate Some Lavender Oil Into the Blend

Many people have differing opinions on why and how lavender oil might promote relaxation. According to some experts, lavender acts as a sedative by boosting activity in the brain cells that make up the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that controls fear. According to a theory, molecules in essential oils may interact with the circulatory system's hormones and enzymes. Studies have demonstrated the relaxing effects of this technique.

12. Remember to drink water

An expert used to get up from his computer to watch a nearby creek's calm flow. The calming effects of water come from aquatic origins as humans. If you're feeling overstimulated, sip a large glass of it every hour. Visit the lake and stroll there to enjoy the sights and sounds. Use any swimming pool you have access to cool off. Hot baths and natural hot springs are frequently scheduled to capacity for a reason.

13. The Effects of Music on Mental and Emotional Health

Since the beginning of civilization, people have used music for therapeutic purposes and to express emotions that are difficult to describe. Therapists aware of the potential therapeutic usefulness of original songwriting and musical composition have established music therapy for depressed persons.

14. The Four-Square Breathing Technique for Anxiety

The "Four Square" breathing technique, is final recommendation −

  • Inhale deeply for four calm breaths.

  • Nobody should breathe during the successive four beats.

  • Hold your breath for four counts while keeping your lips firmly closed.

  • Wait till four are counted (without taking any breaths).

  • Take two slow, deep breaths when you stop.

Updated on: 30-Jan-2023


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