11 Best Free SEO Tools for 2023

Through search engines, we can see what our collective wants, concerns, and questions are. Being knowledgeable about SEO can help you develop effective business strategies. For instance, by analyzing the volume of searches, you can determine the demand for a particular product idea. Unfortunately, most of the tools that are used for e-commerce SEO are usually much more expensive than you can afford to spend

There are a lot of great all-purpose SEO tools, such as Moz, SEMRush, and Ahrefs, but they can be very expensive when you start a blog. There is therefore a need for free SEO tools for bloggers.

Today, there are a few free SEO tools that can help you boost your blog's ranking and improve your website's performance. While they don't have the features that some premium tools have, they can still provide you with valuable insight into how to improve your website's search engine ranking.

Why Do We Need SEO Tools?

An SEO tool is an online platform that helps businesses improve their content and attract more potential customers through search engines like Google and Bing. It can help them create and manage effective online content that will help them rank well in Google's search results. Having the right tools will allow you to optimize your website, blog, and other content for search engines, and it will increase the likelihood that you will get more conversions.

11 Top Free SEO Tools For Your Website in 2023

Let’s get into the details of some of the free SEO tools for your website in 2023 −

MozBar SEO Toolbar

After creating an account, you can use the free Chrome extension MozBar to analyze a site's or page's various authority metrics, such as its spam score, page authority, and domain authority. This is useful when running a keyword analysis, as it will give you an estimate of how many links you need to build to improve a site's ranking. It also lets you evaluate the effectiveness of a link from a specific page.


The best free SEO tool is BuzzSumo. It’s a great platform that lets you create and analyze content, monitor keywords, and discover influencers. Its free plan also allows you to analyze and visualize keywords and other data. With just a few clicks, you can easily find and analyze the various topics that are related to your keyword. The freemium version of this tool only allows you to get 10 searches per month, so make sure to use it wisely.

WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool

WordStream's free keyword tool is very easy to use, as it will automatically generate a list of keywords for you. You can start by filling in a keyword, or you can add a link to your website. If you want to download the results, you'll need to create an account with WordStream.

Bing Webmaster Tools

The various features of Bing’s web tools are designed to help you improve your website's search engine ranking. You can also run reports and track your keywords. A free SEO tool for WordPress is additionally available and will automatically submit new URLs to the Bing index.

SEO PowerSuite

Anyone can download and use SEO PowerSuite, an all-in-one SEO solution that includes various tools such as keyword research, rank tracking, and backlink checking. Unlike other SEO software, it is not a browser-based app and only works on your desktop. Some of its features, such as the backlink checker, are hosted in the cloud. There are a lot of features that you can use in SEO PowerSuite, such as content optimization and local tracking.

Keyword Surfer

The free and useful Chrome extension known as keyword surfer is designed to help you find information about your keywords whenever you search for a specific term on Google. It displays the search volume, as well as other useful details about the pages that come up when you type in a query, such as the average monthly traffic, the number of times a particular keyword is used, and the length of a page in words.

SEO Review Tools

One of the most comprehensive online resources for free SEO tools is SEO Review Tools. It has over 60 different types of tools, such as content SEO, technical SEO, and authority tools.

Netpeak Checker

Another great free SEO software is Netpeak. It’s an all-in-one desktop tool that can analyse and compare various search engine results. It’s built for users who are looking to conduct comprehensive research on their websites. With its built-in data aggregation and SERP scraping features, it allows you to quickly find and analyse data from multiple sources. It’s ideal for SEO consultants, agencies, and link builders.


One of the most popular free keyword research tools is Ubersuggest. It is often used to analyse the various factors that affect the success of your blog. One of the most important factors that you can consider when it comes to building links is the number of websites that are linking to your blog. With this tool, you can easily enter a competitor's URL and see which websites are being linked to your blog. This could help you identify potential opportunities to reach out to them and pitch a lucrative partnership.


The free version of AnswerThePublic is a tool that lets users search for and create related keywords. It then provides a list of related phrases and questions that are ideal for blog posts and FAQs. You can also download a CSV or look at an interactive visual analyzer to get started. With the tool, you can type in a topic or seed keyword that is related to your business, and it will automatically generate a list of related phrases and questions.


One of the most useful tools that you can use to build link-building campaigns is Hunter.io. It allows you to quickly find the email addresses of any website, which you can use in your outreach efforts. One of the key factors that you can consider when it comes to building links is getting backlinks. One of the easiest ways to do this is through blogger outreach, which involves reaching out to other website users in your niche. This can be done through various methods, such as asking them for a free guest post, or asking for their content to be shared. Unfortunately, many websites do not have contact details.


Although there are plenty of paid software suites that provide comprehensive features for SEO, free tools can be very useful if you’re not planning on investing a lot of money on a new website. Having good SEO is very important for any website, especially if you’re trying to make money blogging.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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