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Software Testing - Breadth Testing

Testing is done to verify all the components of the software and ensure its robustness. It is one of the most critical phases in the software development life cycle (SDLC).

What is Breadth Testing?

The breadth testing is done to verify if all the utilities of the software are covered without digging deep into them. In the early stages of SDLC, every functionality may not be developed fully. It is done primarily to verify whether scope of the software is totally covered. Thus it is a check to test if every functionality has been added at a high level only, but it does not validate any one of them in depth. It is normally along with depth testing.

Practical Example of Breadth Testing

Let us take an example of an e-commerce application which consists of the modules search product, add to cart, payments, and return product. The breadth testing is done to only verify if all the features namely the search product, add to cart, payments, and return product have been incorporated in the application. But it does not test in detail any particular functionality, for example search products.

Uses of Breadth Testing

The uses of breadth testing are listed below −

  • It is used at the time of sanity testing when there is a time crunch to carry out exhaustive testing of a functionality.
  • It is used at the time of functional testing when the software features are tested.
  • It can also be performed using automated testing.

Difference Between Depth and Breadth Testing

Sr.No Depth Testing Breadth Testing
1 It is performed to check a particular feature in the software at a depth and in detail. It is performed to check if all the features are incorporated within the software.
1 It concentrates on a particular feature of the software. It concentrates on the software as a whole.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Breadth Testing. We’ve started with describing breadth testing, practical examples of breadth testing, uses of breadth testing, and differences between depth and breadth testing. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Breadth Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
