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Software Age Testing

A software goes through various types of testing to validate if both the functional and non-functional requirements are satisfied. Age testing refers to the verification on how the software may perform at the future times. The strength and durability of the software worsens after using it for a while.

What is Age Testing?

The age testing is a kind of testing performed to examine the software performance in the time ahead. This type of testing describes the behavior of the software after using it for a while. It determines the software performance in the future and enhances it. The age testing report helps to modify, enhance and add features to the software. It is done along with the other testing types applied to the software.

What is Age in Software?

Every object (living and nonliving) has the age limit up to which it is able to sustain. Likewise, software also has its duration of sustainability. With aging, its performance goes down and many issues get detected. The aging of software leads to the issues listed below −

  • Supportability − The software is no longer compatible with the latest version of hardware, new protocols, standards etc.
  • Security − The software security is compromised on the new network guidelines, encryptions etc.
  • Very Old Libraries and Packages − The software still relies on the obsolete libraries and packages which are no longer upgraded to the latest requirements.

What is Defect Age?

Once the expected and actual behavior of the software is not matching it is known as the defect in the software. The defect age is calculated with the help of phase and time.

Defect Age in Time

It is the difference between the time of defect identification and defect fixing. If a bug is identified on 1st April and fixed on 6th of April, the defect age is 5 days.

Defect Age in Time = Defect Fix Date or Current Date - Defect Identify Date

Defect Age in Phase

It is the difference between the phases of defect introduction and defect identification. It denotes the stage in which the defect is detected and the stage at which it has emerged.

Defect Age in Phase = Defect Identification Phase - Defect Introduction Phase

The phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) are listed below −

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Design
  • Coding
  • Unit Test
  • Integration Test
  • System Test
  • Acceptance Test
  • Maintenance

If a bug is detected at the system test phase(phase 6), and originated at the coding phase(phase 3), then the defect age in phase is (6-3) = 3.

What is Defect Spoilage?

The defect spoilage are the parameters because of which it is very hard to detect and find the root cause of it for a tester. A big defect spoilage number means the defect identification is very difficult, and a small defect spoilage number means that the defect identification is very simple.

Defect Spoilage = (Count of Defects in one phase * Defect Discover Phase)/ Total Count of Defects


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Age Testing. We’ve started with describing what is age testing, what is age in software, what is defect age, and what is defect spoilage. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Age Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
