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Software Active Testing

Software is done primarily with the intent to enhance its quality. Software active testing refers to the introduction of multiple test data and examining its outcomes.

What is Active Testing?

At the time of active testing, the testers send various inputs to the software and check the outcome. The testers build a virtual model of the application which constantly evolves and improves as the communication with the software grows. In active testing, testers himself work with the software and identify the issues which are likely to be encountered.

Objectives of Active Testing

The objectives of active testing are listed below −

  • It verifies the software quality.
  • It checks if the software is working as per the requirements.
  • It verifies if the software meets all the standards.
  • It tests the characteristics of the software while being used by the customers.
  • It identifies the defects in the software.
  • It improves the software usability.

Active Testing Process

The active testing processes are listed below −

Generation of Test Data

To perform the active testing, the first important step is generation of test data. Testers take into consideration those data which may detect issues in the software.

Creation of Test Case

After the generation of test data, multiple test cases are created around them. They are based on the various combinations of data which lead to the different behavior of the software. The data for active testing is made keeping in mind the user’s requirements.

Execution of Test Case

Post creation of test data and cases, execution of test cases are performed.

Result Analysis

After execution of the test cases, the testers analyze actual software characteristics and verifies if they are as per user requirements.

Techniques of Active Testing

The techniques of active testing are listed below −

  • Functional Testing − In functional testing, test cases are created on the basis of customer requirements to verify if the software is fulfilling them.
  • Structural Testing − In structural testing, test cases are created on the basis of the application program to meet the specific test conditions.

Advantages of Active Testing

The advantages of active testing are listed below −

  • It helps to resolve defects faster.
  • It improves the software performance, usability, responsiveness etc.
  • It checks how much the software is working as per the customer requirements.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Active Testing. We’ve started with describing what is active testing, what are the objectives, techniques, and advantages of active testing. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Active Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
