Theme Detection Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Theme Detection. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Most of the times, satisfaction with the job you are doing and your promotion are directly proportional. This is because if you do not love what you are doing, then you cannot pursue it for longer days and promotion comes with high quality performance.

Promotion in job is

Options :

A - A direct action of your love with your work

B - Irrespective of your love with your work

C - Apart from one individual’s love for work, it depends upon some other factors too.

D - 90% of the time it is the love for your work that will give you promotion.

Answer : D


This is because the author has used the phrase “Most of the times”.

Q 2 - Gone are the days when people used to go to the library to refer to any book, stand in a long line to purchase their favourite book from the store, needed light to read their favourite bedtime stories without disturbing the other person sleeping beside you. Introduction of E-books have sorted it all.

Through this passage, the author is trying to say about

Options :

A - Power of book

B - Power of Internet

C - Power of mobile

D - Advantage of digital books

Answer : D


Of course, the author is talking about the advantage of digital books.

Q 3 - Many school boards have brought a new change to their curriculum and the way of teaching future generations. Unlike previous curriculums, this new curriculum has 50% weightage for the course of the syllabus and 50% for the extracurricular activities like sports, singing, dancing, etc. Children found this new system awkward in the beginning but it has brought positive changes in the other boards of the foreign countries.

Through this passage, the author is

Options :

A - Optimistic about the current change in curriculum

B - Pessimistic about the current change in curriculum

C - Neutral over the issue of change in curriculum

D - None of the above

Answer : A


The author clearly states that the change in curriculum has brought positive changes, hence; he is optimistic about the new changes.

Q 4 - Social Media has now become the addiction of general public. In their spare time, you can see a lot of people wasting their time in commenting on other’s pictures or making some illogical virtual status updates. However; social media is sometimes helpful too. To gather public attention regarding any important message or to do an online campaign of your business and product, this is the best platform.

Through this passage, one thing can be inferred that

Options :

A - Social Media should be banned as it is making people mentally sick.

B - Do the online campaign of your business on Social Media.

C - There is both positive and negative sides of using Social Media.

D - None of the above

Answer : C


A simple reading of the passage can lead us to the correct answer.

Q 5 - Often people run after the money and higher increment without gaining adequate knowledge of the work they are handling. They should focus on their job first and later gain expertise over it. Money will follow your success. But in the act of balancing both, one should also not neglect his/her family due to which his/her existence is there in the present.

If we prioritize the job, money and family in descending order, it will be;

Options :

A - Job, money, family

B - Family, money, job

C - Job, family, money

D - Family, job, money

Answer : D


Option D best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 6 - If you are working really hard but do not believe that you can actually do it, then you are not going to achieve that task successfully. This is because when you believe, it is the wheel upon which the whole work runs over. A man without belief is no good than an aimless ship in the vast sea.

The statement that supports the passage is

Options :

A - Belief is the wheel upon which every work runs.

B - Never stop believing.

C - Working hard is more important than just to have strong belief.

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option B that best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 7 - People are getting addicted to facebook and the major victims are college students. They find it amazing to spend a lot of time on facebook sharing their pictures and getting hundreds and thousands of likes on them. Just imagine how beautifully the time can be spent if facebook could be banned in educational institutes.

What can best be inferred about the view of the author from the above passage?

Options :

A - Facebook should not be banned in educational institutes.

B - Facebook should be banned in educational institutes.

C - Blocking Facebook in educational premises is not a promising thing.

D - None of these

Answer : B


Option B best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 8 - Four people were killed and 44 others, including security personnel, injured in stone pelting and resultant firing by BSF personnel when a mob attacked its camp in Ramban over alleged high-handedness by a BSF team of local cleric. BSF stationed there to guard a railway tunnel, said its personnel opened fire in self-defence with maximum restraint when the mob indulged in firing and tried to storm their storehouse of arms and ammunition.

From the passage, the statement that best describes the thinking of the author is:

Options :

A - People don’t have faith in BSF because of fear and misguidance from some local leaders.

B - BSF should be banned.

C - The people in that mob should be attacked with mortars so that this could not happen again.

D - Top ministers should go near the people to understand them.

Answer : A


The author’s point of view is that local leaders are misguiding the people against a group like BSF who are always there for us at the borders so that we can stay peacefully in our country.

Q 9 - There is no new surprise in the communal violence outbreak that occurred in Arakan state of Myanmar in between Buddhists and Muslims but every time localities feel that this strife won’t be the last one either.

From the above passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is:

Options :

A - Communal strike is common in Myanmar as religious tolerance is negligible.

B - Buddhists in Myanmar are bad people.

C - Muslims in Myanmar are bad people.

D - Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar should learn peace from their Indian counterparts.

Answer : A


From the above passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is option A.

Q 10 - There is always a common confusion among most of the new entrepreneurs on choosing a platform between e-commerce and SaaS(software as service provider). E-commerce because it is now trending and in popular due to its features that makes shopping experience easy and cost effective. On the other hand, SaaS sector is just like another e-commerce service for the companies who want to make their manual work automatic through paid third party software. According to author;

Options :

A - SaaS as a startup is more profitable than e-commerce.

B - E-commerce as a start up is more profitable than SaaS.

C - Both are equally profitable business.

D - None of the above

Answer : D


Exact view of author can’t be ascertained as he has put neutral view on both sections.
