Statement and Conclusions Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Statement and Conclusions. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 1 - Statement: Yielding of the old order took place as new.


I. We should discard the old ideas just because they are not new.

II. Law of nature demands change.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : B


As we move ahead with the time, our thinking process changes. Hence conclusion I is not valid. However second conclusion can be directly derived from the given statement. So our answer is option B.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 2 - Statement: All political prisoners were released on bail except those who were inside due to involvement in Public Dharnas. Persons being accused of murder were not granted bail.


I. All the political prisoners are not murderers.

II. Some politicians were not inside jail.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


It is clearly mentioned in the statement that persons accused of murder were not released from jail. But some political persons had been granted bail. That means, no political person had committed murder. Hence conclusion I is valid. On the other hand, conclusion II has no direct link with the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 3 - Statement: Invitation of the conference has been sent to only good singers. Those who have sweet voices are considered as good singers.


I. All the singers present in the conference are having sweet voice.

II. Singers not having sweet voice are not invited to the conference.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : E


As the singer is present in the conference, so it is for sure that he/she has sweet voice and again persons having sweet voices are considered as good singers and are invited. Hence both the conclusions are valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 4 - Statement: Private schools are offering much good quality education as compared to municipal schools.


I. Municipal schools are giving continuous effort to improve their quality of education.

II. Government should close the municipal schools immediately.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


It is not a wise decision to shut down the municipal schools just because they are not able to give quality education, rather continuous effort can bring change in the current situation. So, clearly conclusion II is valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 5 - Statement: A recent study report shows that there are five persons present per household in urban areas whereas, the number is six in case of rural areas. The national average number is 7.


I. The number of people per unit area in rural area is more than that of urban area.

II. The number of persons staying in same house is more in rural area than that of urban areas.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : B


The statement talks about the number of persons present per household not per unit area. Therefore, only conclusion II is valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 6 - Statement: The union government has allowed conducting traditional bull taming sports Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu.


I. People of Karnataka are aware with bull taming sport.

II. Cricket is favourite sport of Tamil Nadu.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : D


Conclusion I is telling about Karnataka instead of Tamil Nadu. Hence it is not a valid conclusion. Conclusion II is telling about cricket, which is again invalid. Therefore; none of the conclusions are valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 7 - Statement: Cabinet minister Uma Bharati launched the ganga gram yojana in Uttar Pradesh.


I. Many villages situated along the bank of the river Ganga will be developed.

II. It will restrict people to pollute the holy river Ganga.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : E


Both the conclusions I and II are the best possible logical outcome of the action described in the given statement. Hence both the conclusion are valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 8 - Statement: ICC and Moneygram International announced deal for eight years.


I. ICC is in financial crisis situation.

II. Moneygram is in financial crisis situation.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : D


Nothing has been mentioned about the financial status of both the companies. Hence none of the conclusions are valid.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 9 - Statement: The Federal Reserve System has increased the interest rate by 25%.


I. The Federal Reserve System has direct impact upon interest rate.

II. Because of global slowdown, the rate of interest increased.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


Nothing has been told about global slowdown. Hence conclusion II is not valid. However, direct relationship between the federal reserve system and interest rate can be clearly seen from the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two conclusions. You have to decide which one of them can be followed.

Q 10 - Statement: Union Government approved setting up six new IIMs.


I. New IIMs will enrol more number of students.

II. Construction of new IIMs is costly.

Options :

A - Only conclusion I is valid.

B - Only conclusion II is valid.

C - Either conclusion I or II is valid.

D - Neither conclusion I nor II is valid.

E - Both the conclusions are valid.

Answer : A


We do not know anything about constructional cost but we do know the common fact that more number of IIMs means more number of students will get enrolled.
